What is a biome? What are some of the different types of global biomes? 


1. What is a biome? What are some of the different types of global biomes?

· Which biomes are most likely subject to fire?

· Which biomes experience four distinct seasons?

· Which biomes are most likely subject to drought?

· Which biomes get very little rain?

· Which biomes are found at the equator?

· Which global biome(s) is most prevalent in Southern California? Why?

Ecosystems and Energy Flow 

1. What is:

a. food chain? 

b. Food web? 

c. Primary producer? 

d. Consumer? 

e. Decomposer?

2. Build a food web. You may use any community/ecosystem that you like.

a. Your food web should have at least 7 species in it.

b. Label the primary producers and different consumers

c. Note if a species is both primary and secondary consumer (or secondary and tertiary, etc)

d. Label a carnivore, herbivore, decomposer, and two omnivores

3. Be able to discuss and/or explain the importance of plants, producers and photosynthesis in a food web/energy flow in an ecosystem.

Life Cycles and Populations 

1. What is a life cycle? What are the stages according to Bill Nye? What is an alternative “life cycle” that is more accurate?

2. What are resources? Be able to identify and give examples of different resources.

3. What is carrying capacity?

4. Do you think that humans obey or violate the concept of carrying capacity? Be prepared to explain your answer using examples.

5. What is a limiting factor? In your answer, explain how limiting factors regulate the carrying capacity of a population.

6. Be able to identify on a graph: exponential growth, logistic growth, carrying capacity.

7. What is an boom-and-bust species? What kind of population growth do they show?

8. What is a Climax species? What kind of population growth do they show?

9. Most species show what kind(s) of population growth?