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select a specific “scientific” method used in archaeological analyses


1) Please select a specific “scientific” method used in archaeological analyses from the list below (if you would like to research a method not on the list, please get approval from me first), then find two or more case studies employing this method in archaeological analysis. Case studies should be from peer-reviewed sources including journal articles or book chapters, but they can also be from the following two magazines even though they are not peer-reviewed: National Geographic and Archaeology Magazine. No other popular media sources will be accepted, and internet only sources and blogs are not acceptable. 2) Read your selected articles/case studies and write up a brief summary of each study. This does not need to include hyper-specifics of the methods, but should focus on the primary method, how it was used in each instance, and the types of data that were revealed. Again, you do not need to explain the hyper-specifics of the method itself (i.e., specifics of isotopic chemistry), but please describe the type of data/information the method can produce (i.e., tells us about diet). This part of the assignment should consist of 1-2 paragraphs for each case study you are examining. 3) Describe how your chosen method relates to archaeological inquiries and understanding human behavior in the past. Please include the significance of the types of data this method produces and relate it to archaeological research in general (i.e., why do archaeologists want to understand the diets of people in the past, etc.) by citing your chosen case studies and the discussions highlighted in your textbook. This part of the assignment should consist of 2-3 paragraphs.

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