
***The minimum word count for the entire is 1300 words and you must include three scholarly sources! Scholarly sources does not count toward word count! You must use APA formatting to cite your sources. Be sure to read the entire assignment and address each issue/question posed. (References doesn’t count towards word count)***

1. In detail, describe the Classical Theory and Neo-Classical Theory. What do you see as the main differences between the two? Which theory do you believe to be dominant?

2. Jeremy Bentham believed that the pain of the punishment should outweigh the pleasure of performing the crime. Do you agree with this theory or not?

3. Cesare Beccaria believed in crime prevention over criminal punishment. List the six items that Beccaria believed would reduce crime and expound on whether you believe them to be pertinent to this day and age.

4. What are the differences between the Rational Choice Theory and the Classical Theory?

***The minimum word count for the entire is 250 words and you must include three scholarly sources! Scholarly sources does not count toward word count! You must use APA formatting to cite your sources. Be sure to read the entire assignment and address each issue/question posed. (References doesn’t count towards word count!)***

1. “As a behavioral scientist, you may not be surprised to learn that Chapter 5 of the assigned text is one of my favorites. That being said, explain how Maslow and Halleck explain crime. Of the two theorists, which do you find yourself aligning with more? Why?”