in september 2008 the reserve primary fund a money market mutual fund found itself i 639575

1) In September 2008, the Reserve Primary Fund, a money market mutual fund, found itself in the situation know as “breaking the buck.” This means that

A) they could no longer afford to redeem shares at the par value of $1.

B) they required shareholders to contribute a dollar more in fees each month.

C) shareholders were able to redeem shares for more than a $1.

D) shares earned more than a dollar in interest.

2) In this type of arrangement, any balances above a certain amount in a corporation”s checking account at the end of the business day are “removed” and invested in overnight securities that pay the corporation interest. This innovation is referred to as a

A) sweep account.

B) share draft account.

C) removed repo account.

D) stockman account.

3) Sweep accounts which were created to avoid reserve requirements became possible because of a change in ________.

A) demand conditions

B) supply conditions

C) government rules

D) bank mergers

4) Sweep accounts

A) have made reserve requirements nonbonding for many banks.

B) sweep funds out of deposit accounts into long term securities.

C) enable banks to avoid paying interest to corporate customers.

D) reduce banks” assets.