Create a 5- to 8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation

Create a 5- to 8-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation based on the topic proposed in Week Six.

Choose a salient issue of controversy to explore from your community, the nation, or the world.

You must use at least two, and no more than three, philosophical approaches you learned in this course.

These include:  Pre-Socratics, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Dualism, Idealism, Materialism, Continental, Pragmatism, Analytic, Kant, Mill, Care Ethics, Social Contract, Classic Liberalism, Libertarianism, Marxism, Chinese, Japanese, India/Hindu, Feminist, or Post-colonialist.

You may employ them to show where you think they are correct or where they are incorrect, you may contrast them or show how both agree on a point.  How you utilize these two or three perspectives is up to you.


Include the following in your proposal. You will use this information later in your slide show and speaker notes.

  • Description of the issue of controversy.
  • Discussion of how two or three philosophies or philosophers would describe the roots of the problem
  • Discussion of the political or ethical theories that are in evidence in the controversy
  • Your proposed solution to the problem based on the readings and your own research; would you use any of the philosophers or philosophies you chose?
  • Description of why you think your approach would solve the problem better than current approaches

Cite at least two peer-reviewed sources and include a reference list at the end of the presentation. The following are useful resources that are available on the Multimedia page of the University Library:

  • Issues & Controversies
  • Issues & Controversies in American History
  • Global Issues in Context

Provide detailed speaker notes.



Final Project Proposal



Class Info


Final Project Proposal: Issue of controversy; Leadership

In these conceptions, there are problems however the main is defining what is right to the person defining it. Ethical behavior in this projects reflects a valuable system growing out of theological world view based on principles of justice, equity, the rights and needs oneself as well as of others, a sense of duty to the society, and its legitimate needs and standards. Ethical leaders have the moral identity and cognitive moral development that give them special characters.

Ethical leadership has various elements of making decisions and acting as well as leading ethically. Ethical leadership is both visible in the sense of how a leader works and treats others, how he behaves in public, his actions and statements: Invisible. In the aspects of the leader’s character, his procedure of decision-making, his mindset, the set of principles and values on which he draws, as well as his courageous ways of deciding during situations(Aristotle, 2014).

Discussion of how two or three philosophies or philosophers would describe the roots of the problem

It is morally correct to do the right thing even if it brings displeasure to other parties. Kant sees the world in a different perspective indicating that if something is morally good it should not have qualifications but in real life in order to achieve such statue we have to put energy to achieve this statue (Aristotle, 2014). Immanuel Kant moral philosophy has become part and parcel of our daily lives as it is a general alternative to utilitarianism. Ethics are an essential part of the philosophical and intellectual framework used to relate and understand the world. To be a leader one is a role model and this makes it an exception that all leaders ought to be ethical. Ethical leadership models ethical performance in the community and in an organization. Kant’s theory looks to achieve what should be done regardless of the consequence. Moral theory explains that there is no moral event in the world but rather goodwill: the will to do the right thing for the reason of doing the right thing

Discussion of the political or ethical theories that are in evidence in the controversy

The deontological theory is based on better decision making as persons should follow and adhere to obligations and duties and this will help resolve ethical dilemmas. Leaders are role models (Aristotle, 2014). If you want your organization or initiative – and those who work in it – to behave ethically, then it’s up to you to model ethical behavior. A leader that has a character of ethical behavior is a role model for other organizations as well as the community. Maintaining ethical leadership is vital and it lasts a lifetime

Utilitarianism theory seeks to be fair and just because it has the potential to foresee the consequences of an action. To create a role model an organization has to input the right set of skills. According to a recent survey it is estimated that most leaders enjoy satisfaction and commitment in what they do. Imagine a leader who despises his duties but prefers the power. This is not a leader who will be considered a good role model. An ethical leader will handle reports fairly and with care, they also reduce deviant or unethical behaviors in followers.

Virtue Ethical theory is rating theory as it focuses on character as opposed to other theories that focus on actions. It seeks an understanding of a person’s irregular behavior based on morals, reputation and motivation to see if it is unethical (Sullivan, 1989).

In conclusion for a leader to assist in ethical dilemmas he has to follow a certain code of conduct to facilitate good decisions. The leader should respect the ethical beliefs and values and should uphold the fruits of trust and honesty.

Referencing material:

Aristotle, (. B. R. (2014). Nicomachean ethics: Hackett classics (17 ed., pp. 2-33). Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing.

Sullivan, R. J. (1989). Immanuel Kant’s moral theory (pp. 6-56) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.