8 dimensions of wellness

Interview Assessment Based on the Eight Dimensions of Wellness
For this assignment you will do an assessment of someone you know using the Eight Dimensions of Wellness. This should be done as follows:
1. Identify someone that you can interview using the Eight Dimensions of Wellness as a guide. You can interview a friend, a relative, another student or a current client. (Be sure to disguise any identifying information.) In view of our current health situation, the interview can be done via telephone or computer if necessary.

2, Assess that individual based on the Eight Dimensions of Wellness. Includes a description of how that person functions in each of the eight dimensions. Based on the definition of each dimension and what you’ve learned about that person in that dimension, discuss your findings of whether that person meets the definition of healthy functioning or might there be some room for improvement or is there a serious problem? Discuss what led you to that conclusion. (Did the interviewee tell you this, or was it based on observation or prior knowledge or something else?)

3, If there are any dimensions that can be improved, what are some suggestions that you, as the health counselor, might make if you were actually the counselor for this individual. (Do NOT make these observations or recommendations to your interviewee if it is not appropriate to the relationship you have. Recommendations for now are just an exercise for this paper only.)

4, Finally, comment on your own thoughts and feelings as you conducted this interview. Were you comfortable? Did you feel capable of exploring each of the Dimensions? Were you more comfortable with some dimensions than with others? Do you feel your conclusions and suggestions are accurate, or are you a little unsure? What issues might you want to bring to a supervisor?

5. The paper should be organized as follows:
a. The first paragraph should include general information about the individual (e.g. gender, age, race/ethnicity/religion, marital status, etc.)
b. The general information should then be followed by 8 paragraphs, one paragraph for each dimension. Identify each paragraph with a heading naming the dimension you are discussing.
c. For each dimension describe what and how the person you are interviewing is doing in that dimension and whether you think this functioning is generally healthy, in need of some improvement, or seriously impaired. Discuss how you came to that conclusion. Include recommendations that you think might be helpful in improving functioning in each dimension if appropriate.
d. Next, there should then be a paragraph summarizing the individual’s overall wellness.
e. Finally, there should be a paragraph describing your own thoughts and feelings about the interview. Include ideas on what went well and what you might do differently next time.