Which of the following is true with regard to the order of development of motor skills?


Question 21 of 40 2.5 Points

Which of the following is an example of a primary sex characteristic?



A. changes in vocal tone


B. growth of the breasts


C. growth of facial hair


D. growth of the genitals


Question 22 of 40 2.5 Points

Which theorist led the case for the influence of social interactions on cognitive development?



A. Urie Bronfrenbrenner


B. Lev Vygotsky


C. Sigmund Freud


D. Jean Piaget


Question 23 of 40 2.5 Points

According to theory, which is supported by research, if children are deprived of the opportunity to learn language in the years before __________, it will be very difficult if not impossible for them to ever master the rules of grammar.



A. entering school


B. adolescence


C. toddlerhood


D. puberty


Question 24 of 40 2.5 Points

Though the recent research has its problems, it has suggested which of the following trends about intelligence changes as we age?



A. Intelligence is generally very stable, and may even increase into later adulthood.


B. Intelligence is a very static phenomenon – there are no significant changes that occur over the course of the lifespan.


C. Intelligence is an inverted U-shaped curve – it starts low, increases through childhood into adulthood, and then shows a significant decline as we get over the age of seventy years.


D. Intelligence is a linear phenomenon – it slowly increases as we age from childhood to adulthood, getting higher the older we get.


Question 25 of 40 2.5 Points

Which part of the brain experiences the greatest growth between the ages of three and six years?



A. temporal lobes


B. parietal lobes


C. frontal lobes


D. occipital lobes


Question 26 of 40 2.5 Points

The fact that teenagers often feel like adults far earlier than they develop the ability to make sensible, well-thought-out decisions reflects the fact that the __________ often matures more quickly than the __________ lobe.



A. amygdala; parietal


B. hypothalamus; occipital


C. thalamus; temporal


D. limbic system; frontal


Question 27 of 40 2.5 Points

When a parent wants a young child to look at something on the floor, the phenomenon called joint visual attention says that the parent should __________.



A. point to the object


B. look at that object


C. set the baby down in front of the object


D. lift the baby up so that he or she is looking down at the object


Question 28 of 40 2.5 Points

The development of the __________ lobes of the cerebrum allows an adolescent to start developing the ability to reason.



A. temporal


B. occipital


C. parietal


D. frontal


Question 29 of 40 2.5 Points

Despite popular believe that “most” people experience a crisis when they come to their middle adulthood years, recent research has found that only __________% of adults reported experiencing a midlife crisis.



A. 2


B. 5


C. 7


D. 10


Question 30 of 40 2.5 Points

As Emily, a sixty-eight-year-old widow, went about her day, she was certain that there was something that she’d forgotten to do. Somewhere around 8:30 at night, she realized that she’d forgotten to go to the bank to buy traveler’s checks for her upcoming trip to Hawaii. This memory failure, which in this case was related to her __________ memory, is something that often declines in the later years.



A. proactive


B. executive


C. episodic


D. prospective


Question 31 of 40 2.5 Points

Why does exercise help to reduce memory loss and brain decline in older adults?



A. Because exercise reduces our need to use medications, many of which cause damage to brain cells over time.


B. Because exercise stimulates neurons and actually helps the brain to grow new cells.


C. Because exercise helps increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the brain.


D. Because exercise helps to remove toxins from our system that are stored in fat cells.


Question 32 of 40 2.5 Points

By the time a child reaches the age of around eighteen months, he or she will start rapidly learning new words and associating them with their meanings. In fact, children at this age may learn up to __________ new nouns every day!



A. ten


B. twenty-five


C. forty-five


D. sixty


Question 33 of 40 2.5 Points

When young Ari was born, his father was absolutely amazed by the fact that his head was proportionally so much larger than the rest of his body. In talking with his wife, a developmental psychologist, about his reaction, she laughed and said, “Oh that’s so normal! Children tend to grow from top to bottom, in a pattern called the __________ rule.”



A. proximodistal


B. cephalocaudal


C. north-to-south


D. motor-sequencing


Question 34 of 40 2.5 Points

Which of the following statements is the best summary of the cognitive development theory of Lev Vygotsky?



A. Cognitive development occurs on a social level before it occurs at the individual level.


B. Children are in need of strict boundaries from their parents so they can learn what to and what not to do.


C. Cognitive development occurs when children are left to their own devices, with as little influence as possible from outside factors.


D. Children are little scientists who learn by exploring.


Question 35 of 40 2.5 Points

Which of the following is one of the stages of prenatal development?



A. zygotic stage


B. germinal stage


C. intra-utero stage


D. umbilical stage


Question 36 of 40 2.5 Points

Which theorist suggested that we are born with a neurological mechanism that leaves us biologically prepared to use language skills?



A. Lev Vygotsky


B. Jean Piaget


C. Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck


D. Noam Chomsky


Question 37 of 40 2.5 Points

“Raindrops keep falling on my head. And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed, nothing seems to fit!” These lyrics to a popular song describe a very uncomfortable sleeping arrangement! There are several ways this problem can be solved. If the singer chooses to cut off his feet so that he fits in the existing bed, this would be similar to the Piagetian concept of __________.



A. accommodation


B. adaptation


C. assimilation


D. schema transformation


Question 38 of 40 2.5 Points

Why is it easier for men to make the psychological adjustment to the physical changes of andropause than it is for women to adjust to the physical changes of menopause?



A. Because research suggests that being male makes a person more psychologically resilient to changes in all areas of life.


B. Because the loss of estrogen makes women far more emotional than men, who are simply seeing a reduction in testosterone.


C. Because it is far easier to hide the symptoms of andropause than it is to hide the symptoms of menopause.


D. Because the changes associated with andropause are more subtle and appear over a longer period of time.


Question 39 of 40 2.5 Points

Which of the following is true with regard to the order of development of motor skills?



A. Babies develop motor skills based on what they see, so it is largely a function of imitation.


B. Babies develop motor skills in very unique sequences, so there is no “order” of skills that is considered typical.


C. Motor development in babies has two predictable paths – one for sighted children and one for blind children.


D. Motor development tends to occur in a universal sequence and thus specific skills predictably develop before other skills.


Question 40 of 40 2.5 Points

In Piaget’s theory, the term __________ refers to concepts or frameworks around which people organize and interpret information.



A. centrations


B. operations


C. schemas


D. centrisms