What is chaos theory? Why is it prudent to build complex systems using a series of simple steps?I agree with you about systems theory and feedback loops, to better understand the workplace and the world as a whole.

What is chaos theory? Why is it prudent to build complex systems using a series of simple steps?I agree with you about systems theory and feedback loops, to better understand the workplace and the world as a whole.

DQ 1
I agree with you about systems theory and feedback loops, to better understand the workplace and the world as a whole. Do you think that without chaos we would be able to learn something that is as dynamic and complicated as this area?
Stacey, R. D. (2016). The chaos frontier: creative, strategic control for business. Butterworth-Heinemann.

DQ 2
A sustainable system is considered a living system that operates in a way that it does not use up resources more quickly than they can be naturally replenished. Identify three ways an organization can develop a sustainable system structure. Discuss the benefits of using one over another.

DQ 3
What is chaos theory? Why is it prudent to build complex systems using a series of simple steps?

Fragmented versus whole organization views
Organizations are made up of a complex system of patterns and interrelated parts. A systems perspective either includes all available data or is based on fragments of the larger whole. From a fragmented perspective, there is no one interpretation of the situation − this means a single opinion is not reliable. This perspective does not bring about order, which is required when developing a sustainable work system. By breaking an organization into fragmented parts rather than as interrelated parts of a system, one does not have enough information to grasp the meaning of the whole. In addition, without striving to understand and support the simultaneous development of all parts of an organization at different levels, an organization fails to thrive and chaos becomes inevitable. This lecture will look at sustainability of an organization, what a living and complex system is, and how the chaos theory is related to the general complex structure of an organization.
Organizational Sustainability
When people talk about sustainability they are discussing a method of prolonging the life of an organization. When a contract ends, for instance, an organization has already been hard at work identifying new and different ways to generate income from the same product. An F-15 airplane past its prime in the United States may become the best and newest addition to a foreign fleet. At the most basic definition, sustainablity is often thought to focus primarily on financial sustainability. This is a misconception. This occurs because when an organization becomes unsustainable, the symptoms of that problem show up in the finances first, and the general approach to “fix” the problem is to lower costs and increase productivity. However, organizational sustainability, or the surviving or even thriving of an organization, depends on much more than effectively managing an organization’s finances. Just like in the sustainability of non-business entities, there are many complex and dynamic dimensions that must be sustainable in organizations, as well. All of the parts are important and interrelated. However, in an organization, there are some primary dimensions that, if they are managed well, will ensure the sustainability of the organization (Espinosa & Porter, 2011). Looking at an organization as a living system, which is simply the concept that the organization is the sum of all of the entities, one can also see a plethora of moving parts that must be maintained to operate and continue to operate efficiently
Thinking in these terms does not incorporate the whole system into the equation. Systems thinking in general incorporates each moving part of the system into the equation. How to sustain further growth, how to deliver better results, and how to prolong the life of the product all take a front seat to sustainable planning. In this case, the actions need to be repeatable, replicable, and impactful to the entire living system.
Ways to Develop Sustainability in an Organization



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