
please use simple words

Please avoid plagiarism

two journals, the first one page. The second see the file. Two pages is fine.

Technology Journal: The application of science to societal needs

Issues to consider in your 1-page journal composition:

Survey the features of your smart phone.

How does science allow your phone to operate?

The phone needs power from a battery.

How do you make a battery?

Do you have a camera?

Compare your phone with a phone from 1960.

What allows your phone to have new features?

What will the phone look like in 2050?

Think about the device and all of its features.

What science needed to “create” the phone?

How does it contact other phones?

Speaker? Microphone?



P&G Challenge Journal

Manufactured chemical products are an essential part of modern life

…otherwise we would be living in a cave and walking in search of food, water and clothing each day.

As a preview, explore the “Your Chemical Foot” presentation.

Issues to consider in your journal:

Survey the consumer chemicals you use each day. What are the ingredients?

How long could you live without these products? Consider 1 week without soap and deodorant.

Are there products that pose health or environmental risks?

How much water do you use each day?

….another resource – of water use

Post any interesting thing you learn to the Discussion item: Your Chemical Foot.
