Transitions in Professional Nursing


NR-351: Transitions in Professional Nursing

September 2016

Patient –Centered Care in the Hospital Setting

Patient centered care with a holistic approach is a vital part of nursing care today to meet the patients ever changing needs. Nurses using this type of care provide “knowledge, resources, and support” (Hood, 2014, p. 408) to patients and families. This type of care allows the patient and their families to become participating members of the health care team.

Importance of Patient-Centered Care

Patient-centered care involves an interdisciplinary team. This team involves the doctors, nurses, case managers, dietitians, physical, occupational and respiratory therapies, the patient and their family members. The interdisciplinary team follows the plan of care established for the patient from admission to discharge. They “review current clinical needs, practice established guidelines, and care principles that improve client outcomes” (Hood, 2014, p.251). It is very important that every interdisciplinary team member who participates in the patient care communicate with each other. Many fatal mistakes can be made due to lack of communication with the interdisciplinary team, patient and family members. A breakdown of any communication with this patient-centered care team can lead to negative outcomes for the patients.

Effective Patient-Centered Care in Healthcare

The admission and discharge process from inpatient care to home is a critical part of Patient-Centered Care. During this process many vital mistakes in communication can occur, causing potential harm to patients. Example: patients do not understand that a NPO status not only includes food and water but chewing gum and eating hard candy when they are scheduled for a procedure, thus the procedure is delayed or cancelled due to the patient intake of candy or chewing gum that increases patients risk for aspiration during a procedure. Therefore, upon admission and inpatient care “Patients, families, physicians, and nurses believe that sharing information about the patient’s health status was important and necessary (B. Riley – J. White – S. Graham – A. Alexandrov – American Journal of Critical Care – 2014)” and patient must be well informed about their care to optimize patient care and satisfaction. Not only is it important that patients, family, and team members understand and follow the patients plan of care during the patients hospital stay, but at home too. Some patients and families feel that after returning home they do not understand their discharge instructions and miss crucial follow up appointment to continue their care. Thus a breakdown of communication and patient-centered care has occurred. The end result being frequent inpatient readmissions and higher medical cost passed on to the patient. Nurses must be aware of patients’ needs and understanding of continued care at home and provide the needed educational materials and resources to maintain optimal health at home. Health care providers must also remember the regulatory bodies such as Joint Commission are enforcing communication and patient centered care along with family-centered care as a new core measure to follow during hospital inpatient stay.


Everyone who is participating in the care of the patient is equally important, from the certified nursing assistant to the physician in charge of the patient care, to our patients and their family members. We as nurses are our patients advocate. We must be empathetic with those in our care and communicate with honesty to obtain our patients trust. We also need to remember patients and their family members have the right to be involved in their care, including decisions about ethical issues. We will encounter many different patients and cultures in our careers due to ever growing diverse population of today’s society. Always remember the patient or patient’s family may not remember our faces or names but, they will remember how we treated them and their families while in our care.




Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2016). NR351 Transitions in Professional Nursing: Week 3 lesson.


Downers Grove, IL: Online Publication.


Hood, L. J. (2014). Leddy & Pepper’s conceptual bases of professional nursing (8th edition). Philadelphia,


PA: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins


Traditional/Restrictive vs Patient-Centered Intensive Care Unit Visitation: Perceptions of Patients’ Family Members, Physicians, and Nurses


B. Riley – J. White – S. Graham – A. Alexandrov – American Journal of Critical Care – 2014

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR351 Transitions in Professional Nursing

Professional Paper Worksheet Template

Student Name: Mary Brashears Date: 09/11/2016


1. Carefully read the Professional Paper Worksheet Guidelines found in Doc Sharing. This provides specific details on how to complete this assignment.

2. Rename this document by clicking Save As. Change the file name so it reads Your Last Name Professional Paper Worksheet.docx. For example, if your last name is Smith, type Smith Professional Paper Worksheet.docx.

3. Save the document as a .docx file in Microsoft Word 2010 or later.

4. Type your name and date at the top of this template.

5. Type your answers directly on the template. Follow all instructions on this Template and the Guidelines document (including the Rubric). Save frequently to prevent loss of your work.

6. Submit to the Dropbox by the end of Week 3, Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT.

7. Post questions about this assignment to the Q & A Forum so your classmates can read the advice, too. You may also e-mail questions to your instructor.

Item Instructions Type your answers below
Approved Paper Topic (from Week 1 Assignment):

Clearly state the Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competency topic that was approved as your topic in Week 1 Time Management Plan Assignment.

Patient-Centered Care

Coworkers and peer need to work together with each other to provide quality holistic care to our clients.

Page numbers in Hood textbook on your topic:

Clearly state page numbers in Hood textbook that correspond to the selected topic.



Reference for Journal Article:

Create a reference for the assigned article using correct APA format including: authors, year, article title, journal name, volume number, issue number, page numbers, italics, parentheses, punctuation, line spacing, and hanging indent.

Traditional/Restrictive vs Patient-Centered Intensive Care Unit Visitation: Perceptions of Patients’ Family Members, Physicians, and Nurses

B. Riley – J. White – S. Graham – A. Alexandrov – American Journal of Critical Care – 2014

Quotation with Citation:

Type a quotation (10–25 words) from the assigned article using correct APA citation including quotation marks, authors’ names, year, page numbers, and parentheses. Do not use words or ideas the authors cited from another source.

“Patients, families, physicians, and nurses believe that sharing information about the patient’s health status was important and necessary (B. Riley – J. White – S. Graham – A. Alexandrov – American Journal of Critical Care – 2014, p.319).”
Paraphrased Area and Citation:

Type appropriately paraphrased version of the words quoted in the section above using correct APA citation including authors’ names, year, and parentheses. Do not use words or ideas that the authors cited from another source.

As stated by: B. Riley – J. White – S. Graham – A. Alexandrov – American Journal of Critical Care – 2014, p-139, a patient must be well informed about their care to optimize patient care and satisfaction.
Professional Paper Outline:

Develop outline for professional paper including introduction, 2 main topics, and conclusion (all with excellent subtopics as required on Template). Excellent specifics used.


· Patient-centered care is defined as the use of a holistic care approach, considering each patients personal preferences, values, family situations, religious and cultural traditions and specific lifestyles

· The nurse provides the knowledge, resources and support to promote health and a better quality of life.

Importance of team patient-centered care

· Involvement of the interdisciplinary team

· Importance of communication with patient and family

Effective patient-centered care in health care

· Plan of care

· Breakdown of communication


· We as nurses are our patients advocate

· They may not remember our faces but they will remember how we treated them and their families while in our care.

Category Points


Points Earned Comments
Approved Paper Topic (from Week 1 Assignment) 5 5
Page numbers in Hood textbook on your topic 10 9 Mary, 408-415 are very good pages to use. There is no significant PCC info on page 251.
Reference for Journal Article 25 7 Mary, you have not provided a reference in APA format as required for both the Professional Paper Worksheet and later for the Professional Paper. This needs much work prior to your paper.

See page 198 in the Manual for example, as well as syllabus and lesson references. Keep working on APA format!

Quotation and Citation 20 14 Mary, you copied the words mostly correctly, but you had 2 errors in your copying. Please remember that all words and punctuation must be copied exactly from the source.

There should be end quotation marks after the last quoted word, not after the parenthetical citation. Initials and journal name should not be used in citation. Yours should be:

…and necessary” (Riley, White, Graham, & Alexandrov, 2014, p. 319). Mary, please notice format, spacing, and punctuation. This needs much work prior to your paper.

Paraphrased Area and Citation 25 16 Mary, your paraphrase of the above quotation did not adequately represent the authors’ ideas from the quote. You have introduced new ideas not in the original quote (well informed patient, optimizing care, patient satisfaction). Be very cautious that you accurately represent the ideas of the authors and don’t add more.

Mary, the citation is not in APA format. Your citation should have been as follows: Riley et al. (2014) claimed that….

See page 177 of the Manual for format for first citation of a source versus subsequent citation of the same source based on the number of authors. Mark this page as you’ll use it often!

Professional Paper Outline 40 35 Good start, Mary. Look for a better statement of importance for the introduction. Be sure to use information from your 2 required sources to write your paper. See below.

While your main topics are fine, stay focused on PCC rather than communication. You have listed communication in both main topics, but I suggest you remove and replace it in the second main topic. Since your second main topic is Effective, including breakdown does not match with that main topic. Revision needed.

Do not use first person in your paper.

The Conclusion will be easier to write when you have focused on those main points and focused on facts from your sources. Do not introduce new information in the conclusion. Your summary statement is not clear.

Remember that prior knowledge and opinion are not part of this paper; information should come from (and be cited to) the 2 approved sources. I know you can write a great paper!

Total 125 86 Mary, you had many challenges with this assignment, especially with APA format. See comments above, as they are all intended to help you write a great Professional Paper.
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