Transcribe the following strand of DNA into RNA    ATGCCCAGCCGTAGTTGA       TACGGGTCGGCATCAACT     template strand RNA→

Transcription and Translation Assignment


  1. Transcribe the following strand of DNA into RNA



TACGGGTCGGCATCAACT     template strand



  1. Translate the RNA from the problem above into the correct amino acid sequence. List that sequence here.



  1. Assume the DNA strand from above was mutated so that the first G in the template strand became a T. How would that affect the amino acid sequence coded for by that DNA (be specific)?



  1. Instead, what if the third G in the template strand became a T, how would that affect the amino acid sequence? (be specific)



  1. One more, what if the first G in the template strand was deleted, how would that affect the amino acid sequence? (be specific)