The Funding Dilemma,The Funding Dilemma


Generate a PowerPoint presentation about your EBP project grant proposal. Imagine you are meeting with a grant funding agency and you need to sell them your project and why it is important. Refer to the instructions on how to generate an audiovisual presentation. This recording should be a minimum of five minutes long and not exceed 15 minutes.


Please include the following in your presentation:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Title
  • Background
  • Purpose
  • Gaps that your project aims to address
  • Proposed project methodology (i.e., research method, research design, sampling method, participant recruitment, and so on)
  • Significance to the field of nursing
  • Innovation
  • Describe why your proposal should be funded (assume there is only one grant available)

Follow APA and grammatical/punctuation expectations throughout the presentation.

Hi Dr. Tracy, this is the final project for this course. I appreciate your assistance for the past 14 or so weeks. This power point presentation goes with the Grant proposal you’re working on now, order #26691. Instruction is attached below.