The Benefits of Physical Activity from Childhood to Adulthood

You would need to complete an informational paper using the attached outline and essay template. 

The paper will be written in third person. You will need to cite and include in text citations. 

I provided 3 references but you will need 3 more to complete assignment.  

Running head: Shortened Title IN ALL CAPS 1

Shortened Title IN ALL CAPS 4

Title Here, up to 12 Words, One or Two Lines

First M. Last (Your Name Here)

Houston Community College

Professor: Dr. Matt Webster

Title Here (Centered, Not Bolded – One or Two Lines)

This is the introduction paragraph and should be based off I.A. and I.B. in the outline you created in the previous assignment. The use of in-text citations and a reference list is required in this assignment. Carefully review the assignment instructions. Only Heading 1 is included in this template. Depending on the organization and extent of the writing assignment, heading style 2 may be necessary (see the provided guide in Eagle Online). It is unlikely heading styles 3, 4, and 5 are needed. Note that this guide (and all writing guides I create) follows the APA 6th edition style guide. If you choose to follow the MLA style guide, it is your responsibility to seek out necessary sources.

First Main Idea Heading

This section is for the first main idea you outlined in the previous assignment. Each piece of supporting evidence based on your outline should have its own paragraph (Jones, 2017). As such, a minimum of three paragraphs should exist under each heading. This paragraph is dedicated to II.A.1. in your outline, which should have attention-grabbing content and a thesis statement (Jones, 2017).

This paragraph covers II.A.2. from your outline. Unlike what I am doing in this template, write in third person by using the pronouns “he”, “she”, “it”, and “they” (Smith, 2015). Do not use the pronouns “you” or “yours” (second person), and do not use “I” and “me” (first person). It is sometimes acceptable to use second or third person (Smith, 2015), but not in this assignment.

This paragraph lines up with II.A.3. from your outline. Make sure you are citing your sources in all sentences they apply (Williams & Johnson, 2016). As you can see, I am placing in-text citations throughout this template as basic examples. There are other ways you can cite your sources to make your sentences more dynamic. Review other guides on how to go about doing that. Williams and Johnson (2016) indicate that any time you cite a sentence, there must be a matching source listed properly in the reference list. Likewise, if there is a source listed in your reference page, it must be cited somewhere in your paper (Williams & Johnson, 2016).

Second Main Idea Heading

This section is for your second main idea from your outline. Just like the organization of the material in the first heading above, this first paragraph is based on II.B.1. from your outline. Have you noticed I am placing two spaces after every sentence? That is a subtlety suggested in the APA 6th edition style guide (Smith, 2015).

This paragraph is based on II.B.2. from your outline. A common mistake I see in student essays is forgetting, or completely ignoring the need for in-text citations. As such, this is another reminder that citing and using a reference list are requirements in this assignment. This “helps avoid plagiarism, gives your content credibility” (Jones, 2015, p. 58), and the process itself enhances your ability to synthesize and analyze information from multiple sources.

This is the third and last paragraph for the second main idea, and is based on II.B.3. from your outline. In the previous paragraph, I mentioned plagiarism and want to use this template to provide some information on that important topic. In short, plagiarism is when you take someone else’s work and pass it off as your own. Williams and Johnson (2016) suggest that plagiarism is not always intentional, and an assignment like this can help you learn how to avoid accidental plagiarism. I state some consequences of plagiarism in the next heading.

Third Main Idea Heading

At this point the pattern of this essay should be more apparent. This section is devoted to a discussion of your third main idea. This paragraph is for the supporting evidence you included in II.C.1 of your outline. Again, cite your references in every sentence applicable (Smith, 2015). Smith (2015) suggests “trying different ways of citing your sentences to help your writing flow” (p.136).

This paragraph should be in alignment with II.C.2. of your outline. The last point I will make about plagiarism here is how it can have many serious consequences, like getting a 0 for the assignment, an F for the class, or even expulsion from college. In the workplace, plagiarism has cost people their career and livelihood (Williams & Johnson, 2016). Be aware that I use plagiarism-detecting software when grading the final draft of the assignment.

The third paragraph under this section should include the information from II.C.3. of your outline. It is often recommended that your strongest ideas and evidence should be closer to the end of your paper (Jones, 2017). Stay consistent throughout your writing in terms of using third person and not changing tenses (past/present). Proofread your work carefully, and have others read it before submitting the assignment. Jones (2017) insists this technique helps identify issues with clumsy sentences or disorganized thoughts.


This is the final section of the essay. With it providing the last ideas your reader will be exposed to, make it powerful and memorable. Close the paper with a restatement of the thesis, summarize your three major points, and leave your reader with a lasting impression. This section is based on III.A., III.B. and III.C. of your outline. You may have noticed I shared thoughts on a variety of topics in this template. This is because the information should be useful to you in terms of keeping your essay organized and focused, and provides a few factoids about academic writing. It also serves as placeholder text for what you are going to write. That way the template looks like an essay and not an outline. Be sure to remove all my content in your paper. Do not forget to modify the reference list on the last page accordingly.


Jones, R. A. (2017). Fictional book title. Boston: Pearson.

Smith, B. T. (2015). The title of an article found in a peer-reviewed journal in the library. Journal Title in Italics, 12(2), 128-147.

Williams, L. D., & Johnson, A. K. (2016). Another title of an article from a reputable journal. Another Reputable Journal, 16(4), 64-112.

Template Created and Provided by Dr. Matt Webster

Template Created and Provided by Dr. Matt Webster

Running head:




Template Created and Provided by Dr. Matt Webster

Title Here, up to 12 Words, One or

Two Lines

First M. Last (Your Name Here)

Houston Community College


Dr. Matt Webster


Template Created and Provided by Dr. Matt Webster

Title Here, up to 12 Words, One or Two Lines

First M. Last (Your Name Here)

Houston Community College

Professor: Dr. Matt Webster

Dr. Matt Webster

The Benefits of Physical Activity from Childhood to Adulthood

I. Introduction

A. There are 35% of human beings in the world that are obese or overweight. In fact,

a study at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Columbia University, says

that obesity is the cause of 20% of deaths among women and 15% of men

B. Regular exercise as a child improves immunity, reduces stress, regulates body

weight, reduces heart problems and many other chronic diseases as you enter


II. Being physically active is the foundation to being physically and mentally fit, which

leads to a healthy and balanced life.

A. Physical Benefits of Exercising

1. When you exercise you increase physical activity and muscle cells respire

more than they do when the body is at rest. So, when a person is

exercising on a regular basis the blood is being pumped faster and the

lungs are becoming stronger which increase endurance. – (Jones, 2017)

2. Regular cardiovascular exercise, such as jogging supports the health of the

circulatory system and improves circulation. You can increase your mental

functions by going running as it boost blood flow to the brain and it helps

it receive oxygen and nutrients. (

3. A strength exercise is any activity that makes your muscles work harder

than usual. This increases our muscles strength, size, power, and

endurance. –(

B. Health Benefits of Exercising

Dr. Matt Webster

1. Weight loss is a major outcome of exercise, meaning when you exercise

you burn calories and body fat. One of the most popular ways to lose body

fat is aerobic exercise or what you may know as cardio. –


2. Children who are constantly exercising and being active are more likely to

have a healthier adulthood. Since children are less likely to develop

chronic diseases, being active as an adolescent helps prevent those

diseases from forming as an adult. – (Physical Activity Guidelines, Page


3. Simple exercise such as just walking can increase life expectancy by

several years. Studies show that obese participants who did moderate

exercise for 150 minutes a week lived an average of 2.7 to 3.4 years

longer, than those who didn’t. – cite the source (Byline Manual,2012)

C. Psychological Benefits of Exercising

1. Exercise and other physical activity produce endorphins, which are

chemicals in the brain that act as natural pain killers and also improve the

ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress. – (

2. Regular exercise release brain chemicals key for memory, concentration

and mental sharpness. It helps maintain healthy blood pressure, and

weight, improves energy, lifts mood, lowers stress, and anxiety, and keeps

the heart healthy. – (Harvard University)

3. As a person begins to successfully achieve increasingly more demanding

physical task their self-confidence will rise. -(

III. Conclusion

Dr. Matt Webster

A. Being physically active is the foundation to being physically and mentally fit,

which leads to a healthy and balanced life.

B. People who exercise regularly tend to do so because it gives them an enormous

sense of well-being. They feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better at

night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about

themselves and their lives. And it’s also powerful medicine for many common

mental health challenges.

C. When you exercise, you feel better about yourself because you are fit or your

getting fit and you feel that you have accomplished something that was hard to

strive for. The benefits of physical activity is it gives you more energy, it helps

you in coping with stress, it improves self-image, and it increases resistance of


Dr. Matt Webster


Cowell, Hailey A. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans and a Review of Scientific

Literature Used. Nova Science, 2011.

Gullotta, Thomas P., and Aleta L. Meyer. Physical Activity across the Lifespan: Prevention

and Treatment for Health and Well-Being. Springer, 2014.

King, Laura A. The Science of Psychology: An Appreciative View. Mcgraw-Hill Education,
