Stem cell research may provide a potential cure for which of the following?


Question 1

1. You are looking at a female daphnia (�water flea�) and you see two offspring in her brood chamber. Since she was not around any male daphnia you can ascertain

a. she reproduced by sexual reproduction
b. they must be parasites instead of offspring
c. she reproduced by parthenogenesis
d. the offspring are both male

1 points

Question 2

1. Sex of offspring

a. is usually determined genetically
b. may be affected by environmental factors
c. is determined by X and Y chromosomes in birds and mammals
d. a and b
e. a, b, and c

1 points

Question 3

1. External Fertilization

a. often occurs in terrestrial (land) reptiles
b. rarely occurs in aquatic animals
c. usually results in many offspring
d. is associated with a high degree of parental care

1 points

Question 4

1. The presence of the SRY gene leads to all of the following except

a. differentiation of bipotential gonads into testes
b. regression of Mullerian ducts (do not develop)
c. development of the Wolffian ducts
d. formation of the corpus luteum

1 points

Question 5

1. Which of the following genotypes would be female?

a. XXY
b. XO
c. XX with translocation of SRY onto one of the X�s
d. XYY

1 points

Question 6

1. Sperm is produced in the

a. vas deferens
b. seminiferous tubules
c. interstitial cells
d. bulbourethral glands

1 points

Question 7

1. The male accessory sex glands include all of the following except

a. seminal vesicles
b. prostrate
c. os penis
d. bulbourethral glands

1 points

Question 8

1. Which of the following is not true regarding the testes?

a. they are contained within the scrotum of most mammals
b. they produce sperm
c. they produce testosterone
d. they produce all of the fluid in which the sperm swim

1 points

Question 9

1. Sperm entering the female reproductive tract would travel through the following structures in what order?

a. cervix, vagina, uterus, oviduct
b. vagina, cervix, uterus, oviduct
c. uterus, vagina, cervix, oviduct
d. uterus, cervix, vagina, oviduct

1 points

Question 10

1. After ovulation, estrogen and progesterone

a. are secreted by the corpus luteum
b. maintain the uterine lining
c. decrease in amount
d. a and b

1 points

Question 11

1. Which of the following is not true regarding the female reproductive tract?

a. ovaries are located in the abdominal cavity
b. each ovary contains follicles, or areas with no eggs
c. the uterus of humans is pear-shaped
d. the uterus of dogs and cats is �Y� shaped

1 points

Question 12

1. Which of the following indicates a heterozygous individual?

a. IA IB
b. BB
c. aa
d. Bb

1 points

Question 13

1. Which of these could be a normal gamete?

a. C
b. CC
c. Cc
d. none of the above

1 points

Question 14

1. A dominant allele

a. is represented by an lowercase letter
b. will be expressed if it present in the genotype
c. indicates that the majority of people will have the trait
d. is always lethal in combination with another dominant allele

1 points

Question 15

1. A baby is born with Cystic Fibrosis. Which of the following could represent the genotypes of her parents?

a. Mom CC, Dad CC
b. Mom Cc, Dad CC
c. Mom Cc, Dad Cc
d. Mom cc, Dad CC

1 points

Question 16

1. Which of the following genotypes represents an individual who is homozygous dominant?

a. SS
b. Bb
c. SB
d. bb

1 points

Question 17

1. Which of the following is incorrect regarding meiosis?

a. chromosomes must replicate first before cells divide
b. it produces 4 cells from the initial cell that divided
c. it produces diploid cells
d. it allows for exchange of genetic material between homologs

1 points

Question 18

1. During the cell cycle

a. a parent cell divides to produce two (usually) identical daughter cells
b. DNA replication occurs prior to mitosis
c. growth of the cell occurs
d. all of the above

1 points

Question 19

1. The only condition that would produce a living individual with 45 total chromosomes is

a. Kleinfelter syndrome
b. Jacobs Syndrome
c. Turner’s Syndrome
d. Downs Syndrome

1 points

Question 20

1. In females, early in development, one of the two X chromosomes of each cell becomes inactivated. The inactivated X is now called a

a. deletion
b. Barr Body
c. Howell Jolly Body
d. mutation

1 points

Question 21

1. Which of the following chromosomal abnormalities is the least likely to result in spontaneous abortion?

a. missing a chromosome #3
b. extra chromosome #7
c. missing Y chromosome
d. missing half of chromosome #1

1 points

Question 22

1. In the chromosome located to the right, which pair of genes would most likely be linked?

a. Pair indicated at top.
b. Pair indicated at bottom.
c. both have an equal chance
d. neither

1 points

Question 23

1. In the chromosome located in the previous question, which pair of genes would likely be separated due to crossing over?

a. Pair indicated at top.
b. Pair indicated at bottom.
c. both
d. neither

1 points

Question 24

1. How could a pregnant woman find out if the fetus has down syndrome?

a. amniocentesis
b. chorionic villus sampling
c. karyotyping fetal cells
d. all of the above

1 points

Question 25

1. A new species of fly is discovered. It is discovered that breeding short winged flies with long winged flies produces all medium winged flies. This represents what mode of inheritance?

a. codominance
b. incomplete dominance
c. epistasis
d. penetrance

1 points

Question 26

1. Polydactyly, having an abnormal number of digits, is a good example of

a. phenotype with multiple genotypes
b. genotype with multiple phenotypes
c. phenotype expressed in different degrees
d. traditional inheritance

1 points

Question 27

1. Genetic material can do which of the following?

a. replicate
b. store information
c. undergo mutations
d. all of the above

1 points

Question 28

1. Which of the following is not true regarding DNA?

a. it is located in the nucleus of the cell
b. it exhibits a double helix structure
c. proteins are directly made from it
d. the building blocks are called nucleotides

1 points

Question 29

1. What is the purpose of DNA replication?

a. provide a copy to a newly formed cell
b. to make a protein
c. to make haploid cells
d. there is no purpose

1 points

Question 30

1. Which of the following is not a function of proteins?

a. assist in blood clotting
b. carrying oxygen within red blood cells
c. fighting off infections
d. all are functions of proteins

1 points

Question 31

1. Which is the proper order demonstrating the central dogma of molecular biology?

a. protein –> DNA –> RNA
b. DNA –> protein –> RNA
c. RNA –> DNA –> protein
d. DNA –> RNA –> protein

1 points

Question 32

1. A three letter sequence of RNA bases that encodes for a particular amino acid is called a

a. nucleotide
b. codon
c. base
d. protein

1 points

Question 33

1. The genetic code

a. is the same in nearly all living organisms
b. includes multiple stop codons
c. includes a start codon
d. all of the above

1 points

Question 34

1. The process that creates mRNA from a segment of DNA is called

a. transcription
b. translation
c. transfusion
d. transduction

1 points

Question 35

1. During DNA replication

a. the six billion base pairs can be copied in a few hours
b. very few errors occur
c. multiple enzymes and other proteins participate
d. all of the above

1 points

Question 36

1. DNA repair is important because

a. without it cells wouldn�t divide
b. damaged DNA could lead to cancer
c. nondisjunction would occur without it
d. none of the above

1 points

Question 37

1. Which of the statements regarding RNA is incorrect?

a. RNA is single-stranded
b. all of the nucleotides are the same as in DNA
c. its main function is in protein synthesis
d. messenger RNA contains codons

1 points

Question 38

1. Which disease is due to a point mutation within a chromosome (not due to a missing or additional chromosome)?

a. Jacob’s Syndrome
b. Sickle Cell Disease
c. Kleinfelter Syndrome
d. Down Syndrome

1 points

Question 39

1. In our case study, the woman with sickle cell disease wanted to have children with her husband (a carrier of the trait). What is the probability that they will have a child with sickle cell disease?

a. 25%
b. 50%
c. 75%
d. 100%

1 points

Question 40

1. In the following normal gene, G T T C A C T T A C A T, which represents a frameshift mutation, where all codons will be altered “downstream” of the mutation?

d. none of the above

1 points

Question 41

1. If the following DNA strand is in the process of replicating, what will the complimentary (daughter) strand be? Parent DNA A A T G G G C C T A G C

a. A A T G G G C C T A G C
b. T T A C C C G G A T C G
c. U U A C C C G G A U C G
d. G G C A A A T T C G A T

1 points

Question 42

1. The RNA transcript of the following strand of DNA (G G T A T G C C C A T T) is:

a. C C A T A C G G G T A A
b. C C A U A C G G G U A A
c. G G T A T G C C C A T T
d. C C U U U G C C C U U U

1 points

Question 43

1. How many codons are in the following strand of RNA?


a. 4
b. 6
c. 7
d. 9

1 points

Question 44

1. Which of the following statements regarding sperm is not true?

a. sperm may live a couple of days in the female reproductive tract
b. sperm is deposited in the vagina near the cervix
c. nearly all the sperm make it up the oviduct to reach the egg
d. sperm are much smaller than the egg

1 points

Question 45

1. The diploid cell that results from the union of one sperm and egg is called a(n)

a. embryo
b. zygote
c. fetus
d. egg

1 points

Question 46

1. Which of the following statements about cleavage is not true?

a. a ball of cells eventually forms
b. the ball of cells becomes hollow
c. the cells grow in between each cell division
d. mitotic divisions occur

1 points

Question 47

1. The differentiation into three distinct tissue layers occurs during which stage?

a. organogenesis
b. cleavage
c. gastrulation
d. growth

1 points

Question 48

1. Which tissue layer becomes the epidermis?

a. endoderm
b. ectoderm
c. mesoderm
d. none of the above

1 points

Question 49

1. Identical twins result from

a. a single zygote
b. a diploid egg
c. two different sperm fertilizing one egg
d. two different sperm fertilizing two eggs

1 points

Question 50

1. What would happen if you took the nucleus from a skin cell and placed it into an egg cell that had the nucleus destroyed?

a. the cell would live in an undifferentiated form
b. the cell would differentiate into a skin cell
c. the egg would develop to the blastula stage
d. normal development of a new individual could occur

1 points

Question 51

1. Which of the following is not true regarding the placenta?

a. it is formed from maternal and embryonic tissue
b. it develops after enzymes from the embryo eat away at the endometrium
c. it connects to the umbilical arteries and veins
d. it prevents all toxins and drugs from entering the fetus

1 points

Question 52

1. What would be the likely outcome for an embryo with 3 copies of chromosome #1?

a. spontaneous abortion
b. decreased lifespan, but otherwise normal
c. normal development
d. mental deficiencies

1 points

Question 53

1. During human development, which of the following occurs last?

a. heart functioning
b. lungs functioning
c. placenta development
d. genitalia development

1 points

Question 54

1. At what point in a pregnancy would a fetus be viable outside of the uterus with appropriate care?

a. 2 months
b. 4 months
c. 6 months
d. 8 months

1 points

Question 55

1. Embryonic stem cells used in research are obtained from which stage of development?

a. morula
b. gastrula
c. fetus
d. blastocyst

1 points

Question 56

1. Stem cell research may provide a potential cure for which of the following?

a. diabetes
b. Parkinson’s disease
c. arthritis
d. all of the above

1 points

Question 57

1. Which of the following is not true regarding stem cells?

a. stem cells are a renewable source of replacement cells
b. genes being turned on and off are responsible for differentiation
c. stem cells are unable to under go mitosis
d. stem cells can be directed to differentiate into specific cell types

1 points

Question 58

1. In the picture, homologous chromosomes are represented by

a. The bracket on the left of the picture (blue)
b. The bracket at the top of the picture (blue and red)
c. both
d. neither

1 points

Question 59

1. Here are the words that you can choose from for the fill in the blank questions. (this question does not require a response!)

alleles                   chromosomes                 down syndrome              genes

haploid                 parent                             nondisjunction                meiosis

karyotype            recessive                         dominant                       diploid

kleinfelters syndrome                                  autosomes                     DNA

0 points

Question 60

1. _________________ are long molecules of DNA in a condensed form.

1 points

Question 61

1. One chromosome carries many ___________, sections of a DNA molecule that are responsible for the production of specific proteins and may be associated with different traits.

1 points

Question 62

1. Chromosomes come in pairs, with one coming from each ________________.

1 points

Question 63

1. Each chromosome of a pair (homologous chromosomes) has a gene for the same characteristic.  These different versions of the gene are called ___________.

1 points

Question 64

1. An egg and sperm, both ____________, combine to form an individual with cells that are diploid.

1 points

Question 65

1. If two alleles of a gene differ, the _____________ allele will be expressed; therefore the recessive trait will not be visible in the phenotype.

1 points

Question 66

1. A _______________, or picture of an individual’s chromosomes, can be used to detect an abnormal chromosome number.

1 points

Question 67

1. _________________ means that chromosomes fail to separate during the production of sperm or eggs,  causing an extra or missing chromosome to be present in those cells.

1 points

Question 68

1. This failure of separation of chromosomes has more severe consequences in _________________ than in sex chromosomes.

1 points

Question 69

1. An example of this is the condition called ______________ ____________, where there are three copies of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21).

1 points

Question 70

1. What is responsible for the patches of color that a calico cat exhibits? (Remember calico cats are female!)

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2 points

Question 71

1. You are a genetic counselor for a couple who are both carriers of the cystic fibrosis trait. What is the probability that they will have a child with

a. cystic fibrosis

b. one allele for cystic fibrosis (a carrier)

c. healthy non-carrier status

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3 points

Question 72

1. Why is it more of a problem to have an extra chromosome #1 than to have an extra chromosome #21?

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2 points

Question 73

1. Bonus! (3 points)


Your new neighbor (who replaced the neighbor breeding Manx cats!) is breeding Mexican hairless dogs. He notices that he continually gets phenotypic ratios of 2:1 (2 hairless and 1 normal fur) instead of the expected 3:1 ratio (3 hairless and 1 normal fur) from a heterozygous to heterozygous cross (Hh x Hh).

a. What could be happening?


31. How could he still produce Mexican hairless dogs and get a phenotypic ratio of 2:2 (2 hairless and 2 normal fur)?

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