
The One-Page Essay (OPE) is a short preliminary writing on one of our readings to prepare you for each essay. Each essay should be 2 paragraphs with at least one line onto the 2nd page. OPE’s count toward your Short Writings Grade (100 points total). Instructions on each OPE will be given separately. Reminder: OPE’s are handed in on paper in class, not online!


Singer describes “surveillance culture” as a threat to our privacy and freedoms, while “sousveillance” (the people’s surveillance of their governments) is a way to maintain justice and democracy. How much does this argument make sense in your own cultural context (as a citizen of a country, as a student abroad, perhaps even as a cosmopolitan)? Answer this question using 2 of Singer’s examples (one per paragraph). Do you feel differently about these examples than Singer does? Why or why not?

The singer’s article will show after taking the work.