Prepare a one-page teaching sheet providing an evidence-based overview of the disorder/condition’s incidence, epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, medical management, nursing interventions, and impact on the individual affected.



Make sure you complete both parts of this assignment:

Teach Your Classmates

1. Prepare a one-page teaching sheet providing an evidence-based overview of the disorder/condition’s incidence, epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, medical management, nursing interventions, and impact on the individual affected.

2. Teach a Target Population (Practice Learning Experience)

Your Teaching Scenario for the Week: Help a chaplain, social worker, child life therapist, or other non-medical professional working in a hospital understand your conditions. What do they need to know?

Your Teaching Method: A one-page cheat sheet with the most important information this person needs to know before meeting with a patient.

Don’t forget to learn from your classmates! Take some time to read their work so that you can reinforce your learning about the pathophysiology for this week.