

Titanic Charts

Using the Titanic dataset () and find the answers to the following:

  1. Lost vs survived by sex
  2. Lost vs survived by class.
  3. Calculate the conditional probability that a person survives given their sex and passenger-class.


Restate and answer the three questions with your interpretation and support analysis of it.
10 points per question-based on (2 points each):

  • Document the import and selection of data
  • Document any data transformation
  • Summarize any tabular results
  • Summary of your interpretation of any visual results
  • Restate the question with your answer based on the analysis. Use a readable format (like markdown headings and bullet points).

Be sure you post an answer in the notebook for each of the above questions and the data to support it.

Submit Jupyter Output (PDF / print to PDF) to the dropbox. Be sure you post an answer in the notebook for each of the above questions and the data to support it.