
Content curation is the gathering, organizing and online presentation of content related to a particular theme or topic. In these exercises, the class will be curating a collection of related materials by selecting content to share. The collection will be built around ideas drawn from the curriculum.

Some observers have termed the 20th century the Race Era when it comes to evaluating artistic content. Numerous movements sought to explore and celebrate the arts of specific ethnic, political, and social groups. Your goal is to locate an example of a work that links art with inequality (ethnicity, feminism, colonialism, etc.). Look for examples that explore issues related to racism, gender, and/or social class.

Here is an example:

I selected this image because it struck a chord about a topic which I hear bandied among faculty on campus – criticisms which encompass collective accountability in regard to educational access and student entitlement. It makes me wonder what physical manifestations represent success to you (the student)? What is your measure for happiness? Do people without those ideas/objects lack success? This image addresses those ideas in a manner that makes me think about how we measure well-being both individually and collectively – which is also a part of why this class looks at cultural expectations through the lens of artistic expression.

The Task:

1. Post the image AND the URL so others can view them – try not to duplicate each other.
2. Write a sentence or two explaining the connection between the image and the issue.

3. Your post should be a minimum of 250+ words and you should cite resources used.