
The One-Page Essay (OPE) is a short preliminary writing on one of our readings to prepare you for each essay. Each essay should be 2 paragraphs with at least one line onto the 2nd page. OPE’s count toward your Short Writings Grade (100 points total). Instructions on each OPE will be given separately.


First, read Klosterman again carefully and annotate (mark up) thoroughly. Make sure that you are asking questions or writing your thoughts about the ideas presented in the text in the margins of your book.

Now, explain your annotations in a one-page essay. What comments did you make in the margins? Why? In one paragraph, practice more detailed active reading: focus especially on one specific passage in the text. What interested you about this passage? What words caught your attention? Why? What observations can you make about it or connections to previous readings? How does this passage contribute to Klosterman’s overall argument?

The materials that need to be read will be sent after the order is received.