MBA 6001


MBA 6001, Organizational Research and Theory
Article Critique – Unit III
This assignment requires that you review an article from one of the journals listed below* that relates to a topic of interest in organizational theory. A strategy for selecting an article is to look at the table of contents in your textbook and place key words into CSU’s Online Library search engine. The article should not be more than five years old. Select an article that has sufficient content that you can write a review of two pages in length. A sample Article Critique can be found in the second section of this document below.
List of journals:
Academy of Management Review
Administrative Science Quarterly
Business and Society in Review
Business Finance
Decision Sciences
Financial Management
Forbes Magazine
Harvard Business Review
Healthcare Financial Management
Industrial and Labor Relations Review
Journal of Accountancy
Journal of Applied Economics and Policy
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Finance
Journal of Financial Statement Analysis
Journal of Management Studies
Personnel Today
Public Administration Quarterly
* Other journals may be considered with the approval of your professor.
Outline your article in the following manner and adhere to the APA guidelines:
A brief introduction of the article.
A statement of the problem.
A description of procedures.
Flaws in the procedural design.
Analysis of the data.
Limited and justifiable conclusions.
A sample Article Critique can be found in the second section of this document below.
CSU Grading Rubric for Papers/Projects
The course Article Critique will be graded based on the CSU Grading Rubric for all types of papers. In addition, all papers will be submitted for electronic evaluation to rule out plagiarism. Course projects will contain project specific grading criteria specified in the project directions above.