
Theses: offensive speech to other students should or should not be restricted in collage campus

my position: should be restricted from campus

In this essay, you will explore the topic of historic revisionism, referring to articles from America Now, chapter 2, “offensive speech on collage campus” You will identify several significant aspects of the topic, presenting each aspect fairly and even-handedly from both pro and con positions. By the end of your essay, the reader should know both pro and con positions on this debate, including your position.

write a 900 words paper using only the resources down there


“40% of Millennials OK with Limiting Speech Offensive to Minorities,” by Jacob Poushter, CB

How Helicoptered Kids Grow Up to Become Hypersensitive College Students,” by Lenore Skenazy,

“Why I Use Trigger Warnings,” by Kate Mann

more about trigger warning “Colleges Should Adopt Trigger Warnings,” by Brianne Richson, and “Beware the Trigger Warning,” by Jon Overton,

“From The Coddling of the American Mind,” by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt,

“Intolerance Doesn’t Belong on Campus,” by the Staff at Jacksonville Daily News