How are chimps and similar primates used in medical research.For this writing assignment, students will research an assigned topic and then organize and write an argumentation paper supporting one side over another side.

How are chimps and similar primates used in medical research.For this writing assignment, students will research an assigned topic and then organize and write an argumentation paper supporting one side over another side.

For this writing assignment, students will research an assigned topic and then organize and write an argumentation paper supporting one side over another side. Students must clearly state in the thesis sentence which side of the issue they plan to support. An argumentation writing topic is often an issue that has two distinctively divided sides, and the purpose of the paper is to persuade the audience towards one side over the other side. While one strategy of argumentation is to mention points from the opposing side, this is only done briefly and as a way to dispute that side of the issue. The paper should not attempt to equally cover both sides of an issue. As with all essays/writing assignments, include a general thesis sentence that clearly indicates the purpose of the paper. The body of the paper must include paragraphs with topic sentences supporting the thesis. Provide details and specifics in the body paragraphs to support the topic sentences. Remember to avoid generalities s



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