
Respond back to both paragraphs 200 words each.

Hello Class,

When I reviewed the CHEST Foundations website information, I found that there are more heart and lung conditions than I had previously known. This concerns me since these two organs are important for the human body to function. The website contains a patient education resources section that helps educate people on the different heart and lung conditions. If I had one of these conditions, I would feel better knowing that there is a website like this to explain what my condition is in a simple manner. It even had information on the types of procedures that the patient might have. The conditions listed on the website contained medical suffixes and prefixes that you would expect to see on a website explaining heart and lung conditions. For example, the term pulmonary, Pulmon/o is the suffix meaning lung. I was able to identify the meanings of the medical terms from previous knowledge of the terms pulmonary, bronchioles, and pneumo. It also helps me to say the word out loud to hear where the separation between the suffix, root word, and prefix. For example, Cryptogenic, separating the word as crypo and genic sounds better than when separating them as cryp and togenic. I do not know if that helps anyone else, but it usually works for me. I feel that I am learning more about medical terminology from reading the lessons and completing the forms. I have been making flashcards for the suffixes and prefixes that were listed in the lessons and the forms have helped me learn how to separate and define medical terms. I have trouble with separating the longer medical terms because the prefix, root word, and suffix the definitions do not make sense within that order. It seems that the rest of the class is retaining the information well and getting used to breaking apart the words.

Hi Everyone,

The heart and lungs are vital organs of the body. The heart’s function is to pump blood around the body whereas the lungs are important for gaseous exchange. They both work as a team where the heart’s right ventricle receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it to the lungs where it is loaded with oxygen. These organs along with the other organs work together to keep the body going strong and healthy. However, when a disease is present in these organs it makes it difficult for the body to function effectively. I was impressed by CHEST Foundation the link that was given for this week’s forum. I must say that the work they have been doing to educate, research and raise funds is remarkable. I like the fact that they have diseases in alphabetical order which makes it easier for the reader to find diseases. There is information on different procedures as well. I also like that the website has information on diseases translated into Spanish. When looking at the different diseases words like asthma, cystic fibrosis, cough, were familiar to me. Some of the diseases were hard to pronounce and understand their meaning. The diseases that stood out to me are Bronchiolitis and Pneumoconiosis. Pneumoconiosis can happen when airborne dust, particularly mineral dust, are inhaled at work, and dust particles remain in the lung where they can cause inflammation or fibrosis (scarring) Bronchiolitis is common lung infection among infants. It can cause cough, wheezing and a hard time breathing. While most cases can be treated at home, it’s also the leading reason infants are admitted to a hospital. When I look at the word bronchiolitis it is easy to confuse this word with Bronchitis. Bronchitis is inflammation of large airways while bronchiolitis is inflammation of smaller airways.
