Discuss the different kinds of parenting styles, Provide examples, Outline the effects parenting styles on children, Finally, what role does temperament play in assessing the relative merits of parenting styles?


Essential of Psychology

Part A: Select One of the following questions to answer in one or two paragraphs.

1. Outline Freud’s structural model of the psyche. What are its three main parts? How are they related? Roughly, how much of our psyche is unconscious? In the context of your discussion, explain the meaning of sublimation.

2. Discuss the different kinds of parenting styles, Provide examples, Outline the effects parenting styles on children, Finally, what role does temperament play in assessing the relative merits of parenting styles?

Part B Answer each of the following In three to five sentences.

1. In brief, what is the primary thesis of the James-Lange theory of emotion?

2. In an experiment studying the effects of background-noise levels on reading- content retention, what would you assume to be the dependent variable? What would you assume to be the independent variable why?

3. What kind of drug is Rohypnol, and why is called the ‘’ date rape drug’’?

4. What is the reticular formation? Where us it located, why is it important?

5. Discuss memory traces and their role in decay.

6. When you wish an employee to become adept a particularly boring task, which scheduled of reinforcement would you choose? Why?

7. Discuss the term cognitive dissonance and how it helps people continue with dangerous habits.

8. Define prejudice, stereotype, discrimination and selg-fulfilling prophecy. How they all are related?

9. Discuss the importance of REM sleep.

10. Contrast the medical, psychoanalytical, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, and sociocultural perspectives of mental illness.

Part C:

1. In a case of __________, perhaps due to a severe psychological trauma, a person, a person’s memories are repressed, even to the extent that he may not remember his name.

A. Dissociative fugue

B. Associative fugue

C. Dissociative Amnesia

D. Dissociative identity disorder

2. Intrinsic and extrinsic form dog motivation are both considered in the_____________ perspective on motivation.

A. Hierarchical

B. Drive- reduction

C. Incentive

D. Cognitive

3. The so-called foot-in the-door technique illustrates

A. Obedience.

B. Compliance.

C. Conformity.

D. Resistance.

4. Also referred to as the ‘’ master gland, ‘’ the ______ gland controls the functioning of the overall endocrine system.

A. Pituitary

B. Thyroid

C. Steroid

D. Hypothalamus