
1. Name the region of the spinal column for each: there are 8 pairs of _________ nerves, 12 pairs of ______________ nerves, 5 pairs of ____________ nerves and 1 coccygeal nerve.

2. What are dermatomes?

3. Describe the anatomical structure of the spinal cord: location of gray matter & white matter, explain the horns and columns of each; dorsal root, dorsal root ganglion, ventral root (which type of nerves travel through these.

4. The dorsal and ventral roots at each level join to form a __________________nerve.

5. Name the 2 types of reflexes and briefly describe each.

6. What are the 5 components of the reflex arc?

7. Why is a reflex considered “predictable”?

8. Describe the steps of a mono-synaptic stretch reflex:

and a disynaptic withdrawal reflex (include the both the excitatory and inhibitory pathways:

9. What part of the body does the Somatic NS innervate? How many motor neurons are there? Is it always excitatory or inhibitory?

10. What are the 2 divisions of the ANS? Describe their general functions. How are they related to one another?

11. In the sympathetic division, preganglionic fibers originate in the _________ and _________ regions of the spinal cord.

12. In the parasympathetic div, preganglionic fibers originate in the _________ and _________ regions of the spinal cord.

13. Which division has long preganglionic fibers? Short? Which has long postganglionic fibers?Short?

14. Trace the route preganglionic /postganglionic fibers take in the sympathetic chain ganglia from the gray matter of the spinal cord to the organs it innervates

15. Trace the route preganglionic /postganglionic fibers take in the collateral chain ganglia from the gray matter of the spinal cord to the organs it innervates

16. Trace the route preganglionic /postganglionic fibers take in the adrenal medulla from the gray matter of the spinal cord to the organs it innervates.

17. The ____________ nerve (one of the cranial nerves) carries Parasympathetic fibers to heart, lungs, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, small intestine, & upper half of the large intestine.

18. What NT is released by preganglionic fibers of the Sympathetic Div? Parasympathetic? Which type of cholinergic receptor does it bind to?

19. What NT is released by postganlionic fibers of the Sympathetic? What type of receptor does it bind to?

20. What NT is released by postganlionic fibers of the Parasympathetic? What type of receptor does it bind to?