‘Demonstrate understandings of 1) statistics related to income/pay inequality, 2) potential reasons for the trend in income/pay inequality, and 3) argument of how income/pay inequality can affect the economy.’


Assignment 7 – Overall Instruction


Assignment 7: Pay/Income Inequality (50 points)

Due: by 11:59 pm, Sunday, June 30th, 2019

* No assignments will be accepted late without written documentation of an unavoidable or unforeseeable event. Why this assignment?

This assignment is intended to mainly achieve the goal of our Module 8 learning objective of ‘Demonstrate understandings of 1) statistics related to income/pay inequality, 2) potential reasons for the trend in income/pay inequality, and 3) argument of how income/pay inequality can affect the economy.’ The assignment supports Course Objective 3. Instruction

Read Chapter 2 of our textbook Pay and watch the video Pay/Income Inequality in Module 8. Then, watch the movie Inequality for All and answer the following questions. (Total of 50 points)

Question 1) According to the movie Inequality for All, what is the trend in pay/income inequality in the United States? (Is it widening or diminishing?) Write a half-page essay describing the trend of pay/income inequality in the United States. (15 points)

Question 2) According to the movie Inequality for All, what can be some reasons for the trend that you have identified in Question 1? For example, if you have identified that pay/income inequality in the United States is widening, what can be some reasons for widening pay/income inequality? Suggested length is half-page. (15 points)

Question 3) According to the movie Inequality for All, will the trend identified in Question 1 have a positive or negative impact on the economy? Why? Here, I’m asking you about the impact on the ‘economy,’ and not on the ‘society’ nor ‘politics/democracy.’ Suggested length is half-page. (10 points)

Question 4) Make a counterargument to what was discussed for Question 3 in the movie Inequality for All. If the movie argued that the trend could negatively impact our economy, make an argument of why the trend can also be beneficial for the economy. If the movie argued that the trend could be beneficial for the economy, make an argument of why the trend can also have a negative impact on our economy. Suggested length is half-page. (10 points)

Obtaining (or watching) the movie Inequality for All

As stated in our syllabus (on page 3), library has the DVD (two copies) and Blu-ray (one copy) version of the movie on reserve. You can check out the movie for 4 hours and watch it inside the library.

You can also rent this movie for $2.99 in HD format from Amazon.com (as of 06/06/2019).

Netflix also has this movie online (as of 06/06/2019) and you can watch this movie through Netflix if you have the subscription.

Important notes

1. The movie Inequality for All examines the trend in inequality in the U.S. The movie also discusses its

Assignment 7 – Overall Instruction


effect on the economy and democracy (or politics). The focus of this assignment, as well as the learning objective, is the effect of the inequality trend on the economy. So, focus on this topic when you watch the movie. The discussion related to the effect of the inequality trend on democracy (or politics) can be interesting, but this is not the main focus of this assignment. This assignment is not intended to introduce or advocate a particular political view.

2. In writing your answers, NEVER copy-and-paste any part of the textbook or any other sources. Write the answers in your own words. If more than seven consecutive words are identical to a writing from another source (including the textbook, your past works, and any other sources), it will be considered as plagiarism, and you will receive a failing grade “F” in this course. You will also be referred to Students Affairs.

3. See Appendix for the grading rubric.

Assignment 7 – Grading Rubric


Appendix. Grading Rubric

Question Grading Standard Point(s)

Question 1 (15 points)

The trend that is discussed in the movie Inequality for All is well identified.


The trend is identified BUT is NOT based on what was discussed in the movie Inequality for All.


The trend is NOT identified. 0

Question 2 (15 points)

The reason that is discussed in the movie Inequality for All is well identified.


The reason is identified BUT is NOT based on what was discussed in the movie Inequality for All.


The reason is NOT identified. 0

Question 3 (10 points)

The effect of the trend that is discussed in the movie Inequality for All is well identified.


The effect of the trend is identified BUT is NOT based on what was discussed in the movie Inequality for All.


The effect of the trend is NOT identified. 0

Question 4 (10 points)

A counterargument is made, AND the counterargument is well justified.


A counterargument is made, BUT the counterargument is NOT well justified.


A counterargument is NOT made. 0