D1.2 Research Questions II

Review and response to D1.2 and D1.3. Summarize the findings and indicate areas of  agreement, disagreement, and improvement. Support your views with citations and include a reference  section.


D1.2 Research Questions II

Research questions are divided into three broad categories difference, associational, and descriptive.  Difference inferential statistics are used for approaches that test for differences between groups (Morgan et al, 2013).  This type of question tries to demonstrate that the groups are not the same on the dependent variable (Morgan et al, 2013).  The next question type are associational research questions.  Associational research questions test for associations or relationships between variables (Morgan et al, 2013).  This is where the researcher is going to associate two or more variables.  A third type of research question are descriptive research questions.  Descriptive research questions are not answered with inferential statistics (Morgan et al, 2013).  They merely describe or summarize data for the sample that is studied without trying to generalize (Morgan et al, 2013).

D1.3 Research Questions II

The HSB variable that will be used for the three questions is testing.  Specifically the questions are looking to see if there is a relationship between English high-school grades and English high-school proficiency test grades.

D1.3 Research Questions A

Is there a positive relationship between the students that scored high on the proficiency test and their actual English high school grades?
D1.3 Research Questions B

Is there a difference between students’ scores in high school compared to proficiency test, does doing well in one translate to doing well in the other?
D1.3 Research Questions c

What percentage of high school students scored high on both the English proficiency test and in the high school English classroom.