
Students will write a research paper based on one of the topics below. The paper should include an overview of the subject and major relevant points relative to economic, social and/or legal implications or impacts. Moreover, the paper should incorporate the role of the Saint Leo University core value of community as it relates to local response to terrorism (e.g., task forces, law enforcement/intelligence networks, law enforcement/intelligence gathering centers, collaborative law enforcement efforts, Interpol, ILEA, etc).


Organized Crime and Theories of Deviance

Organized Crime and Firearms Trafficking

Organized Crime and Street Gangs

Organized Crime and Connections to Terrorism

Organized Crime and Human Trafficking

Organized Crime and Gambling (Casinos)

Fighting Organized Crime Globally

Russian Organized Crime

Drug Trafficking Organizations

Juvenile Gang Activity

Outlaw Motorcycle Club Activity

Organized Crime and Its Effects on Society and the Individual

Organized Crime and Labor Unions

Organized Crime and RICO

Organized Crime and Money Laundering

Organized Crime and Witness Protection

Organized Crime and Asset Forfeiture

Organized Crime and Public Corruption

Military Gangs

Prison Gangs

The paper must be at least 2500 words, excluding the title page, abstract page, and reference page, and must adhere to the APA sixth edition writing format. Please reference the APA Guide link under Resources. If your paper does not comply with this format you will lose points.

Please cite at least five scholarly references for your paper with no more than two from an internet source. Please be aware that websites such as Wikipedia are not scholarly sources. Access the University’s online library resources to find scholarly journal articles, etc. Proquest and EBSCO may be helpful, but remember to limit your search to scholarly journal articles. Please remember to review the information available for locating and citing proper sources in your syllabus. Additional grading criteria will include clarity of presentation, quality of content, mastery of content, care and attention to detail, organization, originality of presentation, and the value and interest of the presentation, as well as proper grammar and punctuation. The research paper also needs to incorporate at some place in the paper a discussion of the Saint Leo Core Value of community as it relates to the topic.

The assignment must be your original work. You are required to use no more than 15% of others quoted work when completing any assignments within this course of study. Your research paper must therefore be 85% original. No previously submitted papers, articles, reports or project, in whole or in part, to any university or college will be accepted.