
Response to each part must be at least one page, contain in-text citations in APA format and show a clear understanding of content.

Part 1

It has been said, once ISIS has gained total control and exerted their considerable influence they impose Sharia law or their strict interpretation of it. What are the forms of punishment that have been established by Sharia Law? Should Muslim’s living in the United States be allowed to practice Sharia Law? Should they be subject to criminal charges for those offenses that are criminal in nature by the U.S. code such as honor killings or should they be protected by the first amendment?

Part 2

Radicalization is a process by which an individual, or group comes to adopt increasingly extreme political, social, or religious ideals and aspirations that reject or undermine the status quo or undermine contemporary ideas and expressions of the nation.

Identify the stages of radicalization. Can racialization occur in a person who did not previously have a connection with a terrorist group, or is it an excuse for a “dormant” terrorist waiting for an opportunity?

Provide an example of radicalization that occurred within the United States.