Compare and contrast what happens to an animal, a plant and a paramecium cell in a hypotonic, hypertonic and isotonic solution.

Question description


Open the attached PDF file titled “diffusion_virtual_lab_Exercise 9”.

Click on the link in the PDF, located just below the title of the lab. This provides you access to the interactive content for this lab.

ALSO-Download the “Diffusion Virtual Lab Data Sheet_Exercise 9”.

Using the link you clicked on, and reading the information in the PDF, complete the virtual lab exercise. Record your results and observations in the table on the Diffusion Virtual Lab Data Sheet. Also answer the 6 questions written below the table, which are related to the results and observations you obtained. You may use other resources to answer the questions as needed.

Diffusion Virtual Lab Data Sheet Name: ________________________
Complete the Data Table
1. Did water move into or out of the cell while it was surrounded by a hypotonic solution?
2. Did water move into or out of the cell while it was surrounded by a hypertonic solution?
Red Blood Cell:
Net Water
In or Out
Red Blood Cell
Appearance of Cell
Elodea Net Water
In or Out
Appearance of Cell
Net Water
In or Out
Appearance of Cell
Isotonic Solution
3. Did water move into or out of the cell while it was surrounded by an isotonic solution?
4. Compare and contrast what happens to an animal, a plant and a paramecium cell in a hypotonic, hypertonic and isotonic solution.
5. Could elodea or paramecium from a freshwater lake be expected to survive if transplanted into the ocean?
6. Why does a salad become soggy and wilted when the dressing has been on it for a while? Explain in terms of osmosis.