Common Consequences to Challenging Behavior:




What time did beh occur, who was around, activities/tasks were going on, triggers, etc.



Record what happened when that the Operationally Defined Behavior occurred.



What was the response from environment (what did peers were adults or others say or do)other consequences.

What time did the behavior occur: N.A usually hit her sister in the morning(from 7:30AM to 10:00AM) or in to afternoon(around 2:30 to3:30)

who was around, activities/tasks were going on: in the early morning N.A mother usually clan the hose and wash the clothes. However, around 3:30to 3:30 N.A father come from work and he usually spend time taking a shower and reads his e-mail. In this time N.A supposed to play with his toys or watch T.V children programs.

when N.A hit his sister, the parents usually come and tried to comfort his sister while in the same time verbally reprimand him for his misbehavior. For example: when N.A hit his sister, his mother said: this is not what we deal, I told you not to hit your sister. In order to make N.A busy and far away from his sister, N.A parents usually spent time to play, talk, and read stories with him.

Summary of Patterns from A-B-C Observations

1/Common Antecedents to Appropriate Behavior:

If one of the fallowing situation accord N.A usually involved in appropriate behavior:

A. After N.A parent’s spent enough time playing with him

B. When N.A parent’s give him positive feedback when he play alone even if they were busy with something else. For example: if the mother was cooking and in the same time she looked at N.A and said: wow I like your drawing you are a good artist.

C. After give time to N.A to speak and express his feeling


2/Common Antecedents to Challenging Behavior:

If one of the fallowing situation accord N.A usually involved challenging behavior:

A. When there is absence of attention. For example: when N.A parent’s busy doing other thing

B. When N.A parents asked him to play alone or watch T.V.

C. when N.A tried to talk with his parent and they told him that they will be with him after few minutes.


3/Common Consequences to Appropriate Behavior:

A. Sometime N.A parents reinforce him verbally(good job) or tangible(candy).

B. N.A parents stopped to play with him and assign him to play alone.

C. N.A parents get engaging with other activity such as housework, speak in the phone, or watching T.V.


4/Common Consequences to Challenging Behavior:

A. N.A parents asked him to calm down

B. The parents have conversation with N.A regarding his misbehavior

C. N.A parents ply with him

D. N.A parents tried to make him do something to his sister such as: feeding her sister

Reflection of ABC data form

ABC data form is one of the most common functional assessment observation methods. In ABC Data Form the recorder have to gather information about specific challenging behavior, then evolve them into a positive behavior support plan.

While I was appling the ABC date form I find it very useful because it allow me to explore mystery events that I couldn’t know them in other assessment tool such as, the events that help to maintain the challenging behavior, and the appropriate behaviors that are not reinforced. Also, through spending time observing N.A I was able to know some social skills that he need to learned, and environmental conditions that need modification.

In my opinion, ABA data form Is very helpful to reveal the correct reason of the challenging behavior, and corrects false judgment. For example, N.A parents were thinking that N.A hit his sister because he was jealousy from her. However, after apply APA data form method which contain: observing the student through several observation periods and recording the target behavior, when the problem behavior occurs, records events that occurred right before the behavior (antecedents), recorded events that occurred during the behavior, and records events that occurred just after the behavior (consequences) I deduce that the reason of N.A challenging behavior was not to express his jealousy, but to get more attention from his parent. Even though I find ABA data form is very helpful, I was hoping that it include more steps that help to insure the result such as survey or question.

Reflection of Motivation Assessment Scale

The Motivation Assessment Scale is a rating scale that assesses functions of specific behavior problem in individuals through informant responses.

While I was using the Motivation Assessment Scale with Aljazi I find it very useful for the following reason. First, because The MAS usually presented in an interview format it don’t require large amount of time, witch accommodate with the limited time I have to find out what is Aljazi main/ higher behavioral motivation. Second, it is easy to use this tool, and it require less effort. For example, in MAS All what I have to do is circle how often the behavior occurs in different situations. However, in other assessment tool it require more effort such as: observing, and survey. Third, this scale provide plenty information about ALjaze possible reasons of behavioral motivation. the score of the Motivation Assessment Scale  indicate what is a higher behavioral motivation such as: Sensory, Escape, Social Attention or Tangible Consequences . Moreover, the Motivation Assessment Scale  not only provide the primarily or the a higher behavioral motivation , but also provide extra information of Possible reasons that may involved in the formation of the challenging behavior. For example, the score of the Motivation Assessment Scale shows that the higher behavioral motivation of Alyazi challenging behavior was to acquire Social Attention, however, the scale also show that Tangible consequences may have high score(nor that be 10)which must be take encounter when format a treatment plan.

Reflection of Problem Behavior Questionnaire

Problem Behavior Questionnaire is indirect functional assessment instrument that use with students how involve with challenging behavior.

While I was Appling the Problem Behavior Questionnaire I find it very useful in Sara satiation for some reason: First, by this tool I was able to examine a large number of variables that may create the challenging behavior. Second, by asking Sara to expose behavior and feelings which have been experienced in real situations, I was able of gathering information about feeling and behavior in short period.

However, in the end of the questionnaire, I couldn’t guarantee the result for some reason. First: Sara may tried to present herself in a socially acceptable manner, in sequence, she may not respond honestly. Second, even though I tried to explain the questions for Sara, I was not really sure that Sara understood all of the question. In sequence, I was not able to collect valid/credible data which affect the result.

Reflection of Reinforcer Survey

Reinforcer survey is a simple survey that ask people questions in order to distinguish the primary types of rewords they value. By using this assessment tool with Dalia I find it very useful for the following reason:

1/the result of this survey was very important in Dalia satiation. Dalia’s mother and teacher wanted to know the perfect type of reword to Dalia, so they can effectively reword her.

2/the sentences were clear and easy to understand.

3/ the choices were clear and non-dispersed

4/ the survey was easy to apply and it doesn’t require long time.

However, in Dalia satiation the result of the survey was not precise. The result show that the primary type of reword to Dalia was Independence (Dalia answer 4 questions that show that she prefer Independence type of reword). However, this type followed closely by consumable(Dalia answer 3 questions that show that she prefer consumable type of reword). In my opinion such survey have to cooperated with observation to make sure of the result.

*S.N. Interrupt others adults conversation.

*The result show that S.N tried to get attention from adults when she engaging in inappropriate behavior.

*Alyazi usually yells when she assign to work with her peers.