Biology – Cell Biology,BIOLOGY


Dubai International School 2013-2014 Term – I –
Science & Commercial Dept.
Biology – Cell Biology Due date: 11/11/2013
Grade Eleven Ch. 7, Cellular Respiration Duration: 30 minutes

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Dubai International School 2013-2014 Term – I –
Science & Commercial Dept.
Biology – Cell Biology Due date: 11/11/2013
Grade Eleven Ch. 7, Cellular Respiration Duration: 30 minutes
H.W. -1- Number of pages: 2
Name : ___________________ Submitted on Key Concept
The overall process of cellular respiration converts sugar into ATP using oxygen.
cellular respiration anaerobic aerobic Krebs cycle glycolysis Main Idea: Cellular respiration makes ATP by breaking down sugars.
Circle the word or phrase that best completes the statement.
1. Cellular respiration is a process that releases glucose / energy from sugars and other carbon-based molecules to make ATP when oxygen / carbon dioxide is present.
2. Cellular respiration is called an aerobic process, because it needs oxygen / carbon dioxide to take place.
3. Cellular respiration takes place in the chloroplasts / mitochondria.
4. During glycolysis, one molecule of glucose / protein is split into two three-carbon molecules and two ADP / ATP are formed.
Main Idea: Cellular respiration makes ATP by breaking down sugars.
5. Circle the two ways in which cellular respiration seems to be the opposite of photosynthesis.
a. The reactions occur at either end of the chloroplast.
b. The overall chemical equations are the reverse of each other.
c. Cellular respiration breaks down sugars to make ATP, and photosynthesis uses ATP to make sugars.
d. Cellular respiration produces oxygen, and photosynthesis produces carbon dioxide.
6. Circle the two…