begin your Case Study Response Assignment in which you will examine assessment, case conceptualization, treatment plans, and interventions for the client in a case study.

When intimate trauma occurs, issues of traumatic sexualization, identity confusion, safety, and powerlessness, among others, abound in survivors. Layered responses to sexual trauma and interpersonal violence refer to those that are more visible, such as depression or PTSD, as well as others that may remain hidden, such as suicidal tendencies. Layered responses complicate the recovery process, demanding specialized skills and interventions specific to the needs of the trauma survivor. These needs are influenced by the survivor’s gender, age, and culture. Introducing the appropriate intervention can have a positive impact on the quality of recovery for the client while introducing an inappropriate intervention can have an adverse effect, leading to potential legal and ethical issues. Thus, it is important that you are adequately trained and prepared to provide services to sexual trauma and intimate violence survivors.

For this week, you will begin your Case Study Response Assignment in which you will examine assessment, case conceptualization, treatment plans, and interventions for the client in a case study. In Week 9, you will continue your work on this Assignment and finalize for final submission.


In the Case Conceptualization Form Template, complete the following:

  • Assessment 
  • Case Conceptualization
  • Treatment Plan
  • Interventions

I. Assessment

Discuss background characteristics, presenting complaints, history of the problem, and social and cultural considerations. Describe the differential diagnosis, including any related diagnoses that were considered and ruled out. Explain the legal and ethical considerations that are relevant to the client situation.

II. Case Conceptualization

Use your theoretical orientation to provide a concise summation of the client’s psychological strengths and difficulties. Integrate your client’s history with the theoretical orientation you have selected to support your explanation.

III. Treatment Plan

List two long-term treatment goals for client issues with at least two short-term objectives that are steps in how you plan to meet each goal. The objectives need to be specific and measurable and are driven by your theoretical orientation and the element you are asking the client to change (e.g., thoughts, feelings, actions, etc.)

Problem, Issue, Challenge, Obstacle, Symptom:

Treatment Goal 1:



Problem, Issue, Challenge, Obstacle, Symptom:

Treatment Goal 2:



IV. Interventions

Discuss how you will work toward the treatment plan goals. Base your interventions on the theoretical orientation you discussed in your case conceptualization. Be sure to use evidence-based practices that are supported by your research. Describe any referrals that you believe will be beneficial.