AST 101 Case Study Research Analysis

AST 101 Case Study Research Analysis Paper 1= Unacceptable

Student Name:__________________________ 2= Unsatisfactory Name of Research Paper: ________________ 3= Satisfactory 4= Good

5= Excellent

Must include hard copies (in English) of works cited for paper to be evaluated! Topic must be pre-approved by instructor.

Title Page & Bibliography (work cited) page

Title page

In-Text-Citation in correct APA format preferred but will accept MLA (author, date, page#)

No minimum # of sources (major source is found case study, other sources can be from a book and journal article, internet source must be .edu, .gov., .org)

0 1 2 3 4 5

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0 1 2 3 4 5

Research Topic

Relevant & meaningful to audience; narrowed topic, astronomy-based (pre-approved)

Paper was well planned. Organized with identifiable intro., body, and conclusion.

Introduction: opening gained attention and topic clearly stated.

Conclusion: clearly signaled closing, strong ending wraps up concisely.

Cited sources correctly & appropriately (in text citations).

Provides adequate or sufficient support for statements using examples, descriptions, specific details or narratives; support is clear, interesting & credible. Content is accurate, valid & factual.

Grammatically correct, words are spelled correctly. Language is not offensive.

Vocabulary is appropriate for audience (peers).

Body of paper is appropriate length (4–7 pages)

Paper is interesting & creative. Plagiarism Statement Not Signed

10 pts

0 1 2 3 4 5

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0 1 2 3 4 5

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0 1 2 3 4 5

Plagiarism Statement: To the best of my knowledge, my paper contains no plagiarism. All information has been put in my own words, except where I have quoted word for word. I have cited my sources where appropriate.

Student Signature: _____________________________Date: _______________

Case Study Rubric

Formatting NONE Paper/Outline Only MLA APA
0-5 5-9 9-10 9-10
Title Page NONE Incorporate Case Study Title

Your Name

Professor Kallage

Formatted Correctly Formatted Correctly
0 5-9 9-10 9-10
Case Study Abstract (copied) 0 5-9 9-10 9-10
Outline of Study NONE Rudimentary Complete Complete
0 5-9 9-10 9-10
Body with correct citations/quotes and sources Total Text Pages

1-4 Doubled-Space

No Graphs/Charts/Pics

Total Text Pages

4-7 Doubled-Space

With No Graphs/Chart/Pics Not Referenced Correctly

Total Text Pages

4-7 Doubled-Space

With Some Graphs/Chart/Pics and References

Total Text Pages 4-7


With Graphs/Chart/Pics all Referenced Correctly

0-15 15-25 25-45 45-50
Reference Page Incomplete Mostly Correct Completely Correct Completely Correct
1-5 5-9 10 10
Plagiarism Score


Above 31% Between 21% – 31% Below 21% Below 21%
30%-70% 20%-29% Zero Zero