
for the assignment please answer the following 6 questions . Please respond with 400 words please keep in mind that this is a child development class I attached resources and power points to help answer the questions .

Please answer the following questions to let me know how you feel about the class thus far.

1. What about the class has surprised you? Why so?

2. What portion of the course have you found to be most rewarding?

3. What portion of the course have you found to be least rewarding?

4. What do you feel has been the most important thing you have learned?

5. How will you use this learning?

6. Any suggestions for the remainder of the course?

Below are the course objective and some power points you can use it to answer the 6 questions

Course Objectives:(The ability to accomplish these objectives will increase the likelihood of your accomplishing the course student learning outcomes).

Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:

1.Describe the general development and age appropriate behavior of six to twelve year olds.

2.Discuss and identify developmentally appropriate practices for this age group.

3. List and determine activities that address the needs of the school-aged child.

4. Identify state regulations for the operation of school-aged programs.

5. Explain the importance of complying with the state regulations.

6.Determine age appropriate materials and equipment for school-aged programs as well as proper room arrangement.

7.Describe the elements of a quality program serving children ages six to twelve years.

8.Define guidance and discipline.

9.Discuss behavior management techniques that promote positive social interactions.

10.Dramatize specific situations noting both appropriate and inappropriate techniques.