A description of the chosen disorder and a comparison between normal brain function and the brain function of a person with the disorder,A DESCRIPTION OF THE CHOSEN DISORDER AND A COMPARISON BETWEEN NORMAL BRAIN FUNCTION AND THE BRAIN FUNCTION OF A PERSON WITH THE DISORDER



Prompt: Case application paper. I decided to focus on Bella Thorne, a teenage Disney star. Bella Thorne has dyslexia.


Focus on Dyslexia and give

  •         A description of the chosen disorder and a comparison between normal brain function and the brain function of a person with the disorder
  • An evaluation of the relationship between psychological and physiological aspects of the disorder and the resulting negative effects on daily functioning
  • An assessment of the impact of recent technological advancements on the diagnosis and treatment of the disorder
  • Recommendations for appropriate treatment options and coping mechanisms for the selected case and other people with the disorder
  • Preventative measures that may be employed for others who may be at risk for the disorder



PLEASE USE REFERENCES FROM THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY I HAVE ATTATCHED ALSO ADD A REFERENCE at least one article that focuses on the brain basis of dyslexia and one dealing with the treatment of the disorder.

FormatThe rough draft should follow these formatting guidelines: 8–10 pages, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and citations in APA format


Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Description of Disorder Meets “Proficient” criteria and is substantiated through scholarly research 


Provides a description of the child/adolescent’s disorder, including the neurobiology of the disorder(8) The description of the child/adolescent’s disorder is incomplete and lacking in detail 


Does not provide a description of the child/adolescent’s disorder 


Effects of Disorder Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes insightful examples validated by research(18-20) Evaluates the effects of the disorder on daily functioning 


The evaluation of the disorder’s effects is lacking in detail and/or accuracy(14-15) Does not evaluate the effects of the disorder on daily functioning 


Impact of Technological Advancements Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes insightful examples validated by research 



Assesses the impact of recent technological advancements on the diagnosis and treatment of the disorder 


The assessment lacks breadth and depth in the impact of technological advancements on the diagnosis and treatment of the disorder(14-15) Does not assess the impact of recent technological advancements on the diagnosis and treatment of the disorder 


Treatment Options Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes an explicit explanation of the rationale behind the recommended treatment options/coping mechanisms(18-20) Provides recommendations for treatment options/coping mechanisms for the disorder 



Recommends treatment options that are loosely aligned with the disorder 



Does not provide recommendations for treatment options/coping mechanisms for the disorder 


Preventative Measures Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes an explicit explanation of the rationale behind the recommended preventative measures(18-20) Provides suggestions for preventative measures that may be employed for those at risk for the disorder 


Recommends preventative measures that are loosely aligned with the disorder 



Does not provide suggestions for preventative measures 




Articulation of Response Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, and syntax and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format(9-10) Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or syntax 



Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or syntax that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas(7) Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or syntax that prevent understanding of ideas 


Earned TotalComments: 100%