
Q1. Case Study

Please provide a one page executive summary on the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant. Your summary should not exceed one single spaced page and should include Who, What, When, Where, Why and How the situation could have been handled. Or, perhaps it might also include how the situation was handled correctly. If you are quoting material, please ensure you cite your source accordingly.

The is the case study for this week. Please read and provide analysis in the form of an executive summary. Please feel free to search for other information that pertains to the Davis-Besse incident and how it was triggered by a SCADA failure.


On page 24 of the , there is an example of a threat /risk assessment which is part of a risk management program. Using one of your previous case-study ( you can use the Maroochy Shire Sewage Spill case study. ) incidences. Please create a threat matrix (See example below). Your assessment must include what you feel is the threat to the incident you selected with the following columns:

Asset ID: (select at minimum 4 asset ID’s, for example, People, Process and Software (which become your rows), Vulnerability, Consequence (your rating), Likelihood and Treatment (Mitigation).

Example Matrix:

Asset ID








Your matrix must be filled out so that a risk assessment/mitigation strategy for identified asset is clearly stated with relevant information. Use link above to assist in answering essay question. Each Row is worth 25 points with a total of 100 points for the entire matrix.