Your path to writing a perfect research paper will be longer if your instructor doesn’t give you a specific topic. You must first create a list of research topic ideas and then choose the most interesting and appropriate. Remember that the title of a research paper must be related to your research question.

It is important to spend enough time researching a topic that can be supported with facts and arguments. Otherwise, your research paper will fail in the first steps.

How to Select Research Paper Topics

You’ve scoured a lot of websites and other resources within your field and have a basic idea of what information might be of interest to your professor. But, what’s more important? You. You don’t know how to narrow down this list to one topic relevant to your research question.

Don’t worry! Don’t worry! There are several steps you need to follow:

  1. Decide on one of these themes. For example, you might want to research or describe marketing strategies.
  2. You must specify the topic you are interested in. For example, choose between the 4Ps or the value approach.
  3. The final version of your topic should be formulated. For example, you might write a compare-and-contrast research paper about the 4Ps and value approaches. This method can be used regardless of what discipline you are in. Your topic must be interesting and concise to grab the attention of your instructor and readers.

How do you find a topic for your research paper

Research paper topics are not something that falls from the sky like shooting star ideas. Although insight can come at any moment, you should not wait for it to be too late. You won’t be able to wait for the deadline anyway. We can stimulate artificial insight with a variety of techniques. These actions will not only help you find topics for research papers but also expand your intellectual horizons.


Did you know about TEDx Talks. Are you interested in online webinars? No? It’s easy to Google it! We live in an age of technology and the internet, and we have access to all of the most important information sources. Make use of them! .


Reading books may not be trendy anymore. Too much time is spent on social media, YouTube and Netflix. Download ebooks if you don’t want to read heavy books or spend time in dusty libraries. Imagine how many things you could learn! You can learn about art, history, chemistry and math.


Take a look around. It will be a vast world of beauty and mystery. Abstract ideas are everywhere. It is up to you to find and distill them into a thesis statement that will be your topic for a research article. You can’t get inspiration from your regular surroundings if they don’t change. To discover new ideas, you’d need to meet new people, go to new places, and travel new roads.


This method isn’t as appealing as others. Journals are a great option if you like to read about scientific discoveries, new theories and daring hypotheses. You can choose to read a particular one or just the one that interests you. It doesn’t really matter if it inspires you and interests you.


Truth is created from the clashing of ideas. You need to be convincing to share your opinion. To do this, try to see everyday things from a different perspective. This is how you come up with great topics for research papers. It’s easy to wonder: “Why hadn’t I think about it before?” Maybe others have not. You now have a topic for your research.

 Types of a research paper

Each research paper has a specific purpose. An argumentative research paper is best if you are presenting two perspectives on the same topic. A problem-solution paper is a research paper that proposes solutions to a specific problem. We will be discussing seven types of research papers, and providing examples of topics for each type of research paper.

1. Argumentative research paper

This type of paper presents two opposing views on the same topic. Each viewpoint should be supported by persuasive arguments, examples of facts, and critical reasoning. While both sides must be presented equally and objectively by the writer, they should choose one side and stand for it.

You can see that any topic for argumentative research papers should be debatable. This will allow you to examine two perspectives and then support one.

Here are some examples of argumentative topics for research papers:

“Trade unions have lost their relevance in the Australian labor market.”

Violence is not the answer to everything

Should students be grouped by ability?

2. Analytical research paper

This paper doesn’t require you to prove anything, or even choose a position. Your goal is to analyze existing facts in depth and then distill it to a logical conclusion. It is better to use multiple sources of information. Make sure your topic is easy for you to research.

This section will explain how personal tastes develop and the reasons why they may differ.

3. Comparison and contrast research paper

This type of research paper is best for comparing two objects, methods or events. As the main portion of your paper, you will need to describe each object briefly. When you are comparing two characters or two stories don’t forget the primary source.

Here are some examples of compare and contrast topics for research papers:

Compare and contrast watching movies at the cinema vs home

Preschools Vs Pre-Kindergartens


4. Research paper on definition

These research papers are intended to be informative. It is important to gather data from different sources and make them readable. But you should not analyze them or add your opinion. Don’t worry about arguments or emotions, just provide facts and statistics that will help your readers understand the subject.

Examples of a topic for a definition research paper:


5. Research paper on cause and effect

This paper is about finding a link without specific circumstances and the consequences that these circumstances have. You describe the current situation and then analyze the causes. It is possible to reverse the order of things and track the possible outcomes of an action. Don’t be confused by the logical sequence.

6. Experimental research paper

This paper describes a specific experiment in detail and shares the results. It also provides analysis. Students who study chemistry or biology, sociology, or any other discipline that uses an experiment as a research tool, write experimental research papers.


7. Research paper on problem-solving

This research paper should be written in three steps. It should describe the problem, provide a solution and defend it (provide statistics, facts, examples from real life, etc.). You should only offer solutions you believe in. Your arguments won’t convince anyone if you don’t.

We can help you complete your assignment if you aren’t confident in your abilities. facileessays writers will provide you with a template that can be used for any type of academic paper. Our writers are well-educated and knowledgeable. Our authors follow all instructions and adhere to the correct formatting style. We will immediately start work on your order if you place it now!