which tools would you utilize in order to obtain your results ?



which tools would you utilize in order to obtain your results ?

Research Population

The most appropriate researchable population for use in my project would be low-income populations. This population is important since they are always susceptible to various health conditions and the impacts of their illnesses can always be more severe (Laraia et al, 2017). Besides, these people are typically ethnic and racial minorities. Therefore, having low-income makes them less likely to access better care services, have limited interaction with the medical system, and have more barriers to attain proper care.

As a result, there will be several challenges in obtaining data from such a population. A major problem is that these people have behavioral health issues like depression, abuse of drugs, and other chronic medical conditions such as diabetes or obesity, due to poor healthcare practices (Laraia et al, 2017).  This makes it difficult to gather any information since they might not be cooperative. Besides, being low-income families, most would be having no safe place to stay, and have increased risks of illnesses. Therefore, they readily feel stigmatized and unwelcomed. Trying to gather information from such a population can be met with hostility.

However, there are important actions that can be taken to overcome these challenges. For the behavioral healthcare concerns, I will apply clinical prevention essential that involves the integrating the appropriate culture of the population in planning, management, delivery, and evaluation of the best clinical practices for the population (Bor et al., 2017). It will involve be patient-centered to help them attain better healthcare outcomes. Also, I would address the stigmatization concerns through Interprofessional collaboration with the community healthcare teams to consult, manage, and coordinate patient care. These teams understand how to assist in taking care of the population, which makes them feel part of the entire community.


Laraia, B. A., Leak, T. M., Tester, J. M., & Leung, C. W. (2017). Biobehavioral factors that shape nutrition in low-income populations: a narrative review.

Bor, J., Cohen, G. H., & Galea, S. (2017). Population health in an era of rising income inequality: USA, 1980–2015. The Lancet389(10077), 1475-1490.