Which hormone promotes the formation of channels in the mucus of the cervical os to facilitate sperm movement into the uterus?

Question 1
A syndrome often associated with cystocele is:

Question 2

A student asks the instructor which of the following hormones stimulates follicular maturation. How should the instructor respond?

Question 3

A nurse is teaching the staff about female hormones. Which hormone promotes the formation of channels in the mucus of the cervical os to
facilitate sperm movement into the uterus?

Question 4

A 38-year-old female was recently diagnosed with cancer. She learns that her mother almost miscarried while pregnant with her and was given
diethylstilbestrol (DES) to prevent it. Which of the following cancers does she most likely have?

Question 5

A 21-year-old female is infected with human papillomavirus(HPV) following unprotected sexual intercourse with a male she recently met.She is now at higher risk of developing which of the following cancers?

Question 6

A 68-year-old male presents complaining of difficulty having sexual intercourse. He reports that his penis curves during erection. This condition is referred to as:

Question 7

A 21-year-old male presents with inflammation of the testes.He has a high fever and edema and redness of the testes. Which organism is the most likely the cause of his symptoms?

Question 8

An important risk factor in the development of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) is:

Question 9

The nurse would anticipate the treatment for pelvic organ prolapse to be:

Question 10

Cryptorchidism can be defined as: