Was Civil War inevitable? [Solved]


Write a 3-4 page essay (double spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins) responding to the following question. Your essay should reflect what you have learned during this course and provide specific examples from course materials. You should not cite any outside sources, but you must provide citations to any all quotes and textbook material that you paraphrase.
Do you think the Civil War was inevitable? Why or why not? Would have electing some besides Abraham Lincoln prevented secession? Why did policies like the Missouri Compromise and the Comprise of 1850 fail?How else could the U.S. have tried to avoid the conflict? Be sure to discuss the complicated causation of the war, including ideas like role of Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion, Nullification, Tariffs, and States Rights, as well as the various debates over slavery.
Link for Book:https://ncia.wwnorton.com/ebook-givemeliberty6v1

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