Venous Thromboembolism,Venous Thromboembolism



Please find your case study and data, along with other project resources in “QI Project Resources: (button found on L-hand side of course site). The case study will prompt you to consider best practices regarding a particular clinical problem (e.g.,venous thromboembolism). Please note how Discussion board topics Weeks 2-4 prompt you to individually complete several portions of this project. Use the individual work done in these discussions and the opportunity to see others’ work and receive feedback to refine your group’s work on the final QI report.


Using your assigned project (i.e., case study/data), components of the final written report must include:

Background of the problem 

·         Depth and breadth of the problem (e.g., national statistics and local data to demonstrate a problem exists)

·         Definition of the problem with references

·         PICO question


·         What evidence did you find? Synthesize the evidence

·         Appraisal of the evidence using the appraisal tools (include as appendix)

·         Levels of evidence

Analysis of Current Condition

·         Narrative and table, graph, flow chart of current condition (data from assigned problem)

·         Include missed opportunities (examination of current process versus what the evidence says should be done using a flowchart); these are your indicators.

Cause Analysis 

·         Root Cause Analysis and Fishbone Diagram. Identify where the problems exist that you will address.

Action Plan for Each Indicator

·         What the evidence says should be done. The changes that should occur in order to improve practice, to include:

o    Indicator (look at your indicator sheet): Provide the evidence to support in one sentence.

o    Measurement: Numerator and denominator. How will you measure that the change is being done?

o    Goal: What is your goal data? Benchmarks?

·         Implementation:  Include Best Practices for implementing your change and evidence to support your implementation strategy

·         Create a table with the following information for each indicator:

o    Who (is responsible)?–>Describe who is responsible

o    What (are they responsible for?)–>Explain what they are responsible for completing (each indicator described above)

o    Why (did you select this person?)–>Rationale for why this person should be responsible for this action

o    When (will they perform the action?)–>What is the timeline for completing the task?

o    How (will they complete the action?)–>Explain how the person should complete the action (think of implementation described above)

o    Completion Date–>Date for completing the action



There is no template for the written report; it is up to your group how to best present content in a professional and scholarly manner. 


I will submit a file for this project: Venous Thromboembolism as well as the file needed for this data.

This project again is a combination of 4 student’s work for the weeks 2 and 3. 

Please let me know if I have to adjust the pay.


Week 5 Discussion: Venous Thromboembolism. Quality Improvement Report of Project: Visual Presentation


You will develop a professional visual presentation approximately 10-12 slides in length. The presentation should have bullets summarizing the sections of your QI Report of Project. Prepare the presentation as if you were presenting it at your agency and/or a professional conference. 

You should include the following:

·         Submit visual presentation, including the following slides:

o    Title (1 slide)

o    Background of Problem (2 slides)

o    Analysis of Problem (3-4 slides)

o    Action Plan (3-4 slides)

o    List of References (1)

Slide should contain plenty of white space and be readable to the audience. 


Please let me know if I have to adjust the pay.