
Assignment Instructions

Week 6 Assignment:

The idea behind this assignment is to acquaint you with ideas and mechanisms to help individuals learn and increase their motivation to learn. We’re going to do that through a literature review. Here you will select five scholarly or empirical articles: What that means is that they are NOT WEBSITES, NOT TEXTS, but journal articles and they have been presented in what we would call a refereed journal. Typically, a refereed journal can begin with The Journal of Sport Psychology, but not always. A referred journal is one which the author(s) has submitted an article for publication to a review board. That board then reviews the article and votes it in or out of a particular journal, thereby increasing the authenticity, strength, and reliability to the article.

I’m asking that you select five articles in the learning and motivation area that speak to a specific motivational/learning issue. For example, perhaps you’re working with some individual who needs to lose weight or needs to gain a specific amount of strength, or learn a new skill or improve one they have already learned. Choose one specific situation, then, select five empirical articles and create an annotated bibliography about each article. Now remember: when you create an annotated bibliography, the reference leads prior to the summary. So, for example, with your first article: state the reference in APA format, then follow with a summary in its own paragraph. You do this for article #2, #3, #4 and #5. Finally, create a comprehensive, overall summary. Typically, an annotated bibliography would be not more than one page, per article. The summary would be not more than two pages.