
Client With Shizorphenia

Think about a client with schizophrenia that you know about from personal, work or clinical experience, or from news media or other sources. Describe the individual.

What are the positive and/or negative symptoms?
What are the person’s struggles? What treatments have been tried and failed? What works?
If you were that person, what would you like to tell your nurse about yourself, your needs, and your fears?
Please provide evidence from professional sources to support your information. Include examples of your prior experience with a client who was having a problem with delusions and/or hallucinations.

Disease Process   

Discussion Thread: Disease Process

In  this week’s discussion, we will begin to tie the body systems studied  thus far together. Moreover, we will see the effects of disease on the  systems studied and thoughtfully consider how science equips humans  to participate in God’s redemptive work.

Research  a disease process of your choice. Choose a disease process that  involves at least three organ systems — the effect of the disease on  these systems must be detailed in the initial discussion board post.

Choose your disease early — no more than 2 students may cover the same disease!  You can “claim” your disease as early as the first week by starting a  thread that only has a subject heading for your disease. Then post your  thread that includes the following outlined items as a reply to your own  subject heading. If two of your classmates have already posted the  subject heading for a certain disease, such as Diabetes Mellitus, you  will need to choose a different disease process.

You are required to the following outline as a guide:

  • Indicate the disease to be discussed.
  • Describe disease process, including common symptoms and the effect on three organ systems.
  • Discuss treatment and management of the disease.
  • Describe how science equips humans to participate in God’s redemptive work.

Differentiate between bacterial infection and bacterial intoxication.

Module 06 Homework Assignment

  • Use the information presented in the module folder along with your readings from the textbook to answer the following questions.
  1. Differentiate between bacterial infection and bacterial intoxication.
  2. Discuss the importance of E. coli as part of our intestinal flora.
  3. Describe three (3) different types of gastrointestinal diseases caused by bacteria. Be sure to give the name of the specific organism that causes each, describe some common signs and symptoms and discuss treatment for each disease:
  4. Define meningitis. Compare and contrast between bacterial and viral meningitis including treatment for each.
  5. What is a prion? Describe the impact prions have on the human brain and discuss two prion-associated diseases in humans:
  6. What is a vector-borne (vector transmitted) disease? Give an example of a vector borne disease and the vector responsible for causing it:


Microbiology STD 101

You are an Infection Control Practitioner (ICP) for your county’s Public Health clinic. You have been invited to speak to a group of registered nurses who work in the public school system and a county-led group home. Your job is to provide education about common STDs and STIs with a focus on how the latest medications function to treat the disease.

For your initial post, share an example of an STD caused by a bacterial infection and one caused by a viral agent. How would each of these STDs be transmitted, what are the primary signs and symptoms of each, and what medication treatment options are available. Describe how each medication works to control the replication, transmission, and related signs and symptoms of the diseases

Respiratory AND Endocrine System

question 1 (5 points)

Respiration occurs

Question 1 options:

a) on the external level only.
b) independent of cellular activity.
c) externally and internally.
d) on the internal level only.

Question 2 (5 points)


Upper respiratory system diseases

Question 2 options:

a) often require chronic use of medication.
b) require hospitalization.
c) include the flu and the common cold.
d) are typically more severe than lower respiratory diseases.

Question 3 (5 points)


_______ is a diabetes medication that should not be used by patients with poor kidney function.

Question 3 options:

a) Levothyroxine
b) Prinizide
c) Methimazole
d) Metformin

Question 4 (5 points)


Inhalation is the act of

Question 4 options:

a) pulling air in during breathing.
b) exhaling air via nose or mouth.
c) releasing air during breathing.
d) moving air out of the lungs.

Question 5 (5 points)


Tamiflu must be started within _______ hours of the onset of influenza symptoms.

Question 5 options:

a) 60–72
b) 36–48
c) 20–30
d) 4–6

Question 6 (5 points)


Breathing is a coordinated effort of respiratory organs to

Question 6 options:

a) receive oxygen.
b) receive nitrogen.
c) receive carbon dioxide.
d) eliminate oxygen.

Question 7 (5 points)


Glucose is stored in the _______ as glycogen.

Question 7 options:

a) pancreas
b) liver
c) gallbladder
d) pituitary gland

Question 8 (5 points)


Cushing’s syndrome is a disorder of the _______ gland.

Question 8 options:

a) adrenal
b) pituitary
c) pineal
d) thyroid

Question 9 (5 points)


Parathyroid hormone acts on

Question 9 options:

a) body cell metabolism.
b) glucose levels in the body.
c) calcium levels in the body.
d) reabsorption of water in the kidneys.

Question 10 (5 points)


The follicle-stimulating hormone

Question 10 options:

a) stimulates gonads to develop.
b) is sometimes called the ovulating hormone.
c) stimulates ovulation in females.
d) stimulates secretion of sex hormones.

Question 11 (5 points)


Choose all options that apply. 

Addison’s disease is characterized by which of the following symptoms?

Question 11 options:

a) Swelling of the lips and nose
b) Sensitivity to cold
c) Hypoglycemia
d) Weight loss
e) Electrolyte imbalance

Question 12 (5 points)


Match the type of diabetes with correct average time of onset.

Question 12 options:

123 Gestational diabetes
123 Type 2 diabetes
123 Type 1 diabetes
1. Sudden onset during childhood, specifically 10 years of age or earlier
2. Progressive disease in adulthood
3. Occurs during pregnancy

Question 13 (5 points)


Choose all options that apply. 

Which of the following medications are short-acting beta-agonists?

Question 13 options:

a) Albuterol
b) Levalbuterol
c) Vilanterol
d) Pirbuterol
e) Salmeterol

Question 14 (5 points)


Choose all options that apply. 

Which of the following are the major classes of inhalers?

Question 14 options:

a) Dry powder
b) Nebulizer
c) Metered dose
d) Anticholinergic medications
e) Spacer

Question 15 (5 points)


Choose all options that apply. 

Seasonal flu vaccines are extremely important for which of the following groups?

Question 15 options:

a) Healthy adults who live with high-risk people
b) The elderly
c) Pregnant women
d) Healthy men in their 30s
e) People with compromised immune systems

Question 16 (5 points)


Choose all options that apply. 

Which medications are used to prevent constriction of the smooth muscle surrounding airways?

Question 16 options:

a) Avelox
b) Tiotropium
c) Cipro
d) Atrovent

Question 17 (5 points)


Choose all options that apply. 

Which of the following are respiratory conditions that often require hospitalization, chronic use of medication, and lifestyle improvements?

Question 17 options:

a) Allergies
c) Bronchitis
d) Common cold
e) Asthma

Question 18 (5 points)


Choose all options that apply. 

Which of the following are part of the lower respiratory system?

Question 18 options:

a) Bronchioles
b) Lungs
c) Larynx
d) Trachea
e) Bronchi

Question 19 (5 points)

Please place the following symptoms of the common cold in the order they typically appear.

Question 19 options:

Runny nose
Scratchy throat
Chest congestion

Question 20 (5 points)

Choose all options that apply. 

Which of the following are characteristics of antiviral medications?

Question 20 options:

a) Used to cure bacterial infections
b) Used to shorten the length of an illness
c) Used to reduce the severity of symptoms
d) Prevents high risk adults from contracting pneumonia