Salt of the Earth (1954)


Steps: 1. Choose a film from the list below: Salt of the Earth (1954) Sorry to Bother You (2018) The Take (2004) 2. Watch the film (through eClass) and take notes: As you watch, keep the core course concepts in mind. 3. Identify at least 7 course concepts that are depicted in the film you watched i.e. alienation from the process, hegemony, surplus value, indentured labour, patriarchy, racism, colonization, exploitation, etc… **And please note, its good to use a variety of concepts. i.e. 4 of the 7 concepts should not be different aspects of alienation. 4. Analyze the ways the film addresses the concepts you’ve chosen. How does the film illustrate the concept? i.e. In Salt of the Earth patriarchy is shown through . . . Sorry to Bother You addressed the idea of alienation in the way it depicts . . .

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