Question 1 The project managers and nurses role are to diligently assess the healthcare system and consider how to improve its structure and processes to achieve

Question 1

The project managers and nurses role are to diligently
assess the healthcare system and consider how to improve its structure and
processes to achieve:

Satisfying the requirements of the organizations

More favorable patient outcomes in an efficient and
effective manner

New clinical practice guidelines

A promotion and substantial pay raise

Question 2

The three sciences that make up nursing informatics are:

Nursing, clinical, and computer sciences

Information, computer, and nursing sciences

Medical, information, and computer sciences

Engineer, nursing, and clinical science

Question 3

Which is the correct sequence of the informatics continuum?

Wisdom to data to knowledge to information

Data to information to knowledge to wisdom

Wisdom to data to information to knowledge

Knowledge to information to data to wisdom

Question 4

Six Sigma is a five-step program that supports quality
improvement and outcomes in health care. Which is the first step?

Defining the project goals

Improving the process

Analyzing the current problems

Making a change and managing the new process

Measuring current processes

Question 5

Health information management includes:

Tools of computers, hardware, software, networking,
programming, and data storage

Project management, teams, stakeholders, and timelines of
different activities

Records, coding, documentation, policy, guidelines,
administration, and compliance

Technology tools and information systems in a healthcare