Prepare a written request for reconsideration pursuant to MSAPA section 416(a)


Prepare a written request for reconsideration pursuant to MSAPA section 416(a)
requesting  the agency to reconsider the final order adopted in this case. Your  goal in this request is to convince the agency that it has erred in its  ruling and should reconsider the evidence.

Your  job: Assume the administrative hearing officer has adopted a proposed  order including findings of fact and conclusions of law contrary to your  position in this case. You are now requesting the hearing officer  reconsider her position regarding her ruling. Pursuant to Section  416(a)1 you are to create a written request for reconsideration. In your  request for reconsideration you should point out why the court erred in  its ruling and why it would be prudent to reconsider the evidence. For  this exercise, your motion for reconsideration can create any plausible  argument(s) of your choosing. Your order was denied so you can create  any hypothetical order that was entered instead of your proposed order.  Your request for reconsideration should state the reasons why the trial  court erred in not ruling for you client. You are not limited to any  particular body of law in creating your legal argument for  reconsideration.

Length: Your request for reconsideration should be at least two pages in length but not more than 4 pages in total length.

Format:  The request should be in Times New Roman 12 point font, double-spaced, 1  inch margins with page numbers at the bottom center of each page.

SECTION  416. RECONSIDERATION. (a) A party, not later than [15] days after  notice to the parties that a final order has been issued, may file a  petition for reconsideration that states the specific grounds on which  relief is requested. The place of filing and other procedures, if any,  must be specified by agency rule and 86 must be stated in the final  order.

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