
Watch the following videos about two very different organizations. After going through the Chapter 15 information on organizational structure and watching these videos, respond based on what you saw in the videos (not previous personal knowledge or knowledge from other sources).

  • Google:
  • FedEx:

Choose 4 of the 7 elements of an organization’s structure (i.e., work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, span of control, centralization/decentralization, formalization, boundary spanning) and (1) your thorough assessment of what those elements are for both Google and FedEx and (2) your assessment of whether those elements as you have assessed are appropriate or how the organization could improve in regard to those elements. Note: The videos are not going to tell the answers; this is where the critical thinking comes in. Do your best to intuit the elements you choose for both organizations.

Your response should follow a similar format as below (you can use bullet points for ease of formatting, but write your answers in complete sentences):

Element 1: [state the element you are assessing] [required for credit]

  • Google assessment (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]
  • Appropriateness (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]
  • FedEx assessment (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]
  • Appropriateness (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]

Element 2: [state the element you are assessing] [required for credit]

  • Google assessment (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]
  • Appropriateness (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]
  • FedEx assessment (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]
  • Appropriateness (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]

Element 3: [state the element you are assessing] [required for credit]

  • Google assessment (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]
  • Appropriateness (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]
  • FedEx assessment (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]
  • Appropriateness (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]

Element 4: [state the element you are assessing] [required for credit]

  • Google assessment (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]
  • Appropriateness (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]
  • FedEx assessment (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]
  • Appropriateness (discuss/explain): [6.25 points possible]

Anchors for each grading element are as follows:

  • 6.25 = Outstanding – very thorough; in-depth analysis/response/explanation
  • 5.625 = Excellent – thorough; in-depth analysis/response/explanation
  • 5.00 = Good – somewhat thorough; in-depth analysis/response/explanation
  • 4.375 = Average – minimally thorough; no depth to analysis/response/explanation
  • 3.75 = Poor – surface-level response; provides an answer but does not explain/discuss
  • 0 = no response to question; answer provided does not answer the question