
Please reflect upon the readings presented in this week’s learning module–most particularly the journal article entitled Women and the Labyrinth of Leadership. Then reflect upon your own experience.

What other metaphors can you propose that describe women’s organizational leadership experience? Please share specific workplace experiences to explain your metaphor–and please entitle your post to reflect your metaphor.

Finally, please weigh in on the management interventions that are proposed by researchers in this area. Do you have experience with these interventions? If so, please write about it! What really works…and what doesn’t? Why?

  • Eagly, A., & Carli, L. (2007, September). Women and the labyrinth of leadership. Retrieved from
  • Carter, M. & Silva, C. (2010, March). Women in management: delusions of progress. Retrieved from
  • Harvard Business Review Staff. (2013, September). Women in the workplace: a research roundup. Retrieved from
  • Ibarra, H., Ely. R. & Kolb, D. (2013, September). Women rising: the unseen barriers. Retrieved from