

An area of public health (non-COVID-19) that you would like to learn more about is behavior and cultural issues. If we wish to help a community improve its health, we must learn to think like the people of that community. People around the world have beliefs and behaviors related to health and illness that stem from cultural forces and individual experiences and perceptions. Cultural behaviors have important implications for human health. Culture, a socially transmitted system of shared knowledge, beliefs and/or practices that varies across groups, and individuals within those groups, has been a critical mode of adaptation. Understanding how behaviors are rooted in an individual’s unique cultural experience and as a response to social pressures can better equip medical professionals with the context, skills and empathy necessary for holistic care.


An area of public health that I would like to learn more is infection prevention and control. Especially in our current times, preventing disease and spread is of high importance. Preventing the reoccurrence of old diseases especially preventable ones are high on the list of public health efforts. Infection preventionist registered nurses have been in high demand in different types of organizations and health care setting since 1941, after the British Medical Council suggested the need for this role (Weston 2008). Infection preventionist work to prevent central line infections, catheter associated infections, hospital acquired pressure ulcers, and hospital acquired pneumonia, including ventilator associated pneumonia.

Infection prevention specialist also work closely with local, state, and federal public health agencies in the reporting, managing, and possible testing and treatment of diseases. Disease threats are difficult to predict especially new disease, but due to an increase in emerging new diseases the return of old diseases is unavoidable. “Microorganisms previously unknown or unrecognized or thought to only cause diseases in animals can and have evolved to produce more virulent strains which can also affect humans (Weston, 2008, pp.4). Preventing disease including infectious agents is associated with public health.

The Centers for Disease prevention and Control (CDC) is an excellent source of information for all healthcare workers. The resources provided include basic principles of infection prevention and control (Centers for Infection Prevention and Control, 2020). Topics range from injection safety, sharps, and of high importance hand hygiene. Training and educational resources are also provided on CDC (Centers for Infection Prevention and Control, 2020).

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